Biography Profile / Biodata Details
Introduction :
- Originally from the UK, Tara McCarthy is an online personality known for the right-wing, ethno-nationalist views and pro free speech videos.
- She has recently been added to the Anti-Defence League (ADL) Watchlist.
- Many have labeled her a racist & bigot, but the podcaster claims that she in not a white supremacist despite being a supporter of Alt-Right.
Personal Details & Early Life :
- Tara grew up in London in a liberal area that she describes as a Social Justice Warrior heaven.
- She gradually became exposed to right wing views & as a adult she and her fiance decided to move to the USA.
Podcast & Tara McCarthy Net Worth :
- Tara hosts a podcast titled Reality Calls, founded in 2015 aims to help make ethno-nationalist views more socially acceptable.
- The show has the tagline Let’s Make Western Civilisation Great Again”.
- She also co-hosts Virtue of the West, alongside Brittany Pettibone.
- On both shows she has interviewed a number of individuals linked with extreme white supremacists groups – Alt Lite and Alt Right.
Books :
- Inspired by right wing novels Adios, America by Ann Coulter and Cuckservative by John Red Eagle, Tara wrote her own book titled Irreplaceable: How and Why We Must Save the West.
- The book was published by Castalia House, Mike Cernovich and Stefan Molyneux.
- It discussed Tara’s views on various controversial issues, tips on finding a spouse and how to live an Alt Right life.
Interesting Extras :
- Tara is against transgenders serving in the US Military saying that have ‘self-identity issues,’ are prone to mood swings and have a higher rate of suicide.
- In January 2017, Tara decided to make her YouTube channel private as she has been warned that her channel, which had over 35,000 subscribers, would be shut down if any more of her videos were reported over the following 3 month period.
- Tara’s personal YouTube channel was launched in June 2015 while the Reality Calls Show YouTube Channel was opened in January 2017.
Contradictions & Controversy :
- It had been noted that Tara had removed her videos and deletes past Twitter (now called X) posts and her views were often inconsistent.
- After being added to the ADL watch list she tweeted “Seriously couldn’t find anyone better suited to paint as a white supremacist than a half-jew married to a Persian & an American Indian”
- However, in an interview posted on her own page, she also told the reporter that her Grandma was a half-Jew and that she does not consider herself to be a half jew and neither do the people in her personal life or the Jewish community.
- She also stated that she did not recommend “racial mixing” & that it is not a decision that she would personally make.