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Meredith Bernard Age, Wikipedia, Husband【 Farm Wife 】Net worth

Meredith Bernard Images
Name Meredith Bernard

Age / How old / Birthday / Date of Birth / DOB October 22, 1978. As of 2025, she is around 47 years old.

Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Partner / Engaged / Boyfriend Married. Check the full bio for relationship details.

Wiki Biography / Profile Background

Introduction :

  • Meredith Bernard is probably better known as The Farm Wife. Despite her nickname, while growing up, Meredith had earlier never lived or worked on a farm!
  • She is now a writer, vlogger, and photographer and uses these mediums to share her stories about her life on the farm as well as motherhood.

Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :

  • Meredith classes herself as a southern girl bought up in New Hill, a one-stop-sign town in Virginia.
  • Her parents worked at North Carolina University in the field of agriculture and so she was bought up in the country lifestyle.
  • After a fall from her horse, Meredith sought out the services of a man named Lawrence. Lawrence was known as a miracle worker with horses & later became Meredith’s husband.
  • The couple has two children, Wesley and Austin. Both the kids are homeschooled.
  • The family lives on their beef cattle farm in Milton, North Carolina. They also have a dog named Clara.

Early Life and Education :

  • While at high school, Meredith went riding with friends and discovered her love of horses.
  • She became obsessed with everything to do with horses and Texas cowboys.
  • One day on her way home from church she says she just felt the urge to start writing.
  • Meredith graduated with a degree in Animal Science and a Master’s degree in Agricultural Education.
  • She admits she didn’t have any major aspirations growing up but thought she might like to be a singer until she realized she couldn’t actually sing.

Career, Income, Salary and Net Worth :

  • Originally, Meredith wanted to become a teacher and took a teaching job. After six months she realized that teaching wasn’t for her!
  • The year 2003 saw the start of Meredith’s sales career in animal feeds.
  • After ten years in this successful field, Bernard quit her job because she realized that her true self was working on the farm and being with her husband and children.
  • Her interest in people has led to a successful photography career where she specializes in taking photos of children, families, engagements, and weddings as well as life on the farm.
  • She regularly submits articles for publication in magazines like Successful Farming, Progressive Farmer and AG Now.
  • Meredith has a successful Vlogging career on the YouTube channel where she shares her life on the farm as well as giving cookery trips for typical Southern dishes.
  • She has taken part in several podcasts talking about agriculture and her rural life.
  • Meredith has recently launched an online merchandise shop selling hats, T-shirts, tea towels and prints.

Interesting Facts and Trivia :

  • Meredith admits to being addicted to coffee, dry shampoo and hats.
  • She describes herself as the “perfectly, imperfect wife with an obnoxious laugh“.
  • Sometimes, her husband is less than impressed when he is served chicken for dinner and reminds her that they are beef farmers!
  • Meredith’s daughter Austin was given her mother’s maiden name in her memory.
Body & Other Vital Info

Meredith Bernard Measurements :

  • Eye Color : Blue
  • Haircut / Hair Color : Blonde
  • How tall is Meredith Bernard Height : 5′7″
  • Feet / Legs / Boots / Shoe Size : No confirmed information is available.
  • Pregnant? : Currently, she is not expecting a baby.

More Details :

  • Marital Status / Married? : Yes
  • Children / No. of Kids : 2
  • Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race : White
  • Nationality : American

46 thoughts on “Meredith Bernard Age, Wikipedia, Husband【 Farm Wife 】Net worth”

  1. Love your videos! You are an inspiration. Like the previous guy said “beautiful woman with a beautiful family that I am sure gives you enormous pride”. I would add a beautiful person which includes more than outside beauty. I’m sure you are proud of your hard work because it is appreciated and admired. I would like to know if that smart watch you wear counts your steps. I bet the count is off the charts. You are amazing!

  2. Meredith…Your channel is fascinating! I’m addicted…It’s easy to watch while time flies by! Thanks for being you.

  3. I love your channel, Meredith. I have always wanted to live on a farm like yours. More generations should work and live on a farm. So they understand how much work goes into puting food on their families table. God bless you all…have a great year in 2022.

  4. Hello Meredith,

    I found your YouTube channel by accident and am addicted. My wife likes it as well which is rare because she doesn’t usually like YouTube very much. I had been watching ‘Laura Farms’ and your channel popped up. I love your kids and LAWRENCE is a kick!!! Doesn’t say much but what he says is priceless!!!. Would like to see more of a day with him but he is the private one. Your dogs are amazing as well. I am not a farmer (except for some gardening) but I have learned a lot watching your videos about real farming, things I never knew. Keep it up!

  5. Your vlog is excellent as I grew up as a city boy and I never knew how many machines were needed to run a 1000 acre cattle farm. Your dad is an amazing master mechanic and magician it seems he can fix any piece of equipment with a pair of pliers, screwdriver, hammer, and some baling wire.

  6. Meredith and Lawrence Wesleyan Austin…y’all have become a part of our family. We enjoy watching your blogs and when there isn’t a new one we look at the old ones. There has been so much I have learned from watching all of your hard work…we love you and always look forward to another day in Milton, NC.

    God bless…stay safe!

  7. Hi “the farmer wife”, I watch all your videos and I really enjoy them on YouTube? Where can I find the caps that you wear? thank you.

  8. My husband and I love your shows. And my husband has learned cooking tips from you. Also, thanks for sharing how you clean cast iron pans. Mine look great now.

    Bless you and your family.

  9. I love your videos and the cooking tips. We cook almost exclusively on cast iron. Keep up the good work. Be proud of those two kids and hopefully they will stay close their whole lives.

  10. Meredith,

    I have been following you for a long time. Your family farms like the farmers of the 50s and 60s. I worked around our home in Montezuma NY (7 siblings growing up in the house my dad for born in)

    Lawrence reminds me so much of our neighbor, especially the way he tackles every breakdown. Your Farmall M is the one I first drove. In those days the “M” was the big daddy on the farm pulling the plows the baler and the combine.

    My Great Grandfather and partners from Ireland farmed 600 acres eventually whittled down to the 40 acres I grew up on. There were 80 acres when we moved in with him. The was retired and rented out the land. None of his 9 children became farmers. By the time I got out of college nearly all the small farms around us were out of business uneconomical due to small fields hedges and Steep hills only horses could farm.

    Like most of the area our homestead on Fraher RD (after my Dad passed at 95)have been sold to and revived by Mennonite families.
    I met the young man who owns our family home this summer the old house is expecting its newest generation.

  11. Hi Meredith, Lawrence, Wesley, and Austin.

    Your videos are so real, Meredith. My husband and I love to watch your day-to-day farming activities.

    We too are beef farmers in New Zealand and my husband is named Lawrence, as well! Our beef is grass-fed, mainly Angus, or Hereford. You are so real and we can really identify with the life you live. Fixing machinery and improvising at times with repairs is commonplace here, too. I prayed for Lawrence after his accident. Great to see him making progress. May our Lord protect you and keep you safe.

  12. Hi Meredith, Lawrence, Wesley, and Austin,

    Just want to say how much my husband and I love your Vlogs. We too are beef farmers in New Zealand and my husband is named Lawrence, as well! Our beef is grass-fed, mainly Angus, or Hereford. You are so real and we can really identify with the life you live. Fixing machinery and improvising at times with repairs is commonplace here, too. I prayed for Lawrence after his accident. Great to see him making progress. May our Lord protect you and keep you, each one.

  13. Hi Meredith. Wow, I have never seen a young lady work so hard, your days must be very long and hard but you are always smiling,

    God bless keep safe and well.

  14. Hi Meredith,

    Simply love your YouTube channel. I would like to give you a painted picture of your horse…I would need a couple pictures of him. How I can go about getting them and how I would get it to you?

  15. I have a question about when you make steak in a cast iron pan? You said don’t flip them until the blood comes out…how long do you leave it after you flip it?

  16. Please give me an address to send a donation.

    Thank you,
    Michael Salinas
    God is looking over all of us.

  17. I am leaving my good manners aside to ask a couple of nosey questions…how long have you all been married? How old is Lawerence? M your age is on the net 😉 I grew up in a small town in wheat country, although I lived in town. Off to a University at 17 and ended up teaching there. Although I love the city, I am proud to have a small-town heart. Love your videos. Lawerence, just a few more sentences ~ just saying 🙂 🙂 🙂 xoxo to all.

  18. What a Valentine’s Day! YOUR HUSBAND IS SO LUCKY TO HAVE YOU; and, as you no doubt realized long ago, he is a prince.

    As we would proudly tell our friends: “You’ll do to go along”.

  19. I am seventy-eight years young and just started watching your videos. I am far from a farmer having spent over 40 years in Corporate Management manufacturing candy, granola bars. and cereal. Today I am an excavation contractor with backhoes, excavators, and dump trucks which I enjoy over my former corporate life.

    Your videos are great. Your Children are hard workers with true American Values as is your husband. I have a suggestion that you may want to consider. Rather than a Dude Ranch why not offer to work on Your Farm for two weeks at a time. This would be a great incremental income for the farm and for people like me a great escape to a new lifestyle. I would definitely sign up for such a program. Keep up your GREAT WORK!

    Tom T from Connecticut

  20. Congratulations on your successful uTube showings and blog. I really enjoy observing your family and life through these short chapters and understanding Farm Life. Your husband reminds me so much of my dad. All “on the job training” and…no shortcuts!
    Lately, I have been viewing while “rehabbing” from a total hip replacement…lots of chair time…

    Your kids are a delight to watch as are the animal population on the farm. Gotta admit…a big smile that Elmo’s fate took a turn. He’s a charmer for sure. Best to you and your family…

  21. I came across your videos and fell in love with them. I cannot go a day without watching it lest one. THANK YOU

  22. You and your family are the best of the best! Reminds me of the younger days I spent on my grandparents farm in west Texas, have a lot of great memories growing up. The work at times was hard but at end of the day, it was rewarding. Nothing is better than farm life! Keep up the great work and keep America farming!

  23. This is Randall Abbott and I watch your videos and the one that Lawrence had trouble with the M Farmall starter. Tell him that there is an 8 Volt battery that will go there in place of the 6-volt. He will not have to change anything else. It will still charge with the 6-volt system. I worked with Farmall and Case IH for 42 years as a mechanic.

    My dad started using 8-volt batteries in our Super H, in 1955. My dad died in 1970, but I still have the Super H and it has a new 8 Volt battery in it now. An auto parts store can find them for you. Still will be positive ground. My dad bought our tractor in 1953. They only made that Super H in 1953 and 1954.

  24. Just started watching the farm wife…I have been watching The Millennial Farmer and Cole the corn star…Now I have added you to my list. Thank you!

  25. Peter T Allegretta

    Hi Meredith, I am a Disabled American Veteran. Just last year I got involved in the Pegasus Program for Vets. I never rode a horse in my life, let alone touch one. When I got involved in this program it truly changed my life. I graduated from the class, and now I have such a strong relationship with these animals I can’t stay away. After each class, I walk away totally relaxed and at peace. I would love to send you clips of our classes if you like just to see how we train with my fellow Veterans if you like.

    Contact me through email if you would like.
    TY Peter T Allegretta
    USMC 69-74

  26. My wife and I love watching y’all on the farm when we get a chance. Your lives and ours are so much alike even as our kids are all grown and moved away. We started farming the year you were born, I grew up on a farm and bought my first land in 1978.

    We have been through many battles up and down but have survived them just wanted you to know that it is nice to be able to watch a true to life show. From Central Oklahoma, we say keep on keeping on and words most said from one farmer to another we see how next year goes.

    J Graham

  27. Your videos started up yesterday and I really have enjoyed them, I am a retired military man(25 years in both Navy and Army} as well as a professor at Utah State University but now live in Hawaii. We have numerous children spread all over the country with our eldest daughter living in Huntersville, NC. You are admired by both my wife and me very much and as a frustrated farmer-wanna-be, I have to settle for my small garden. You have a big fan here on Oahu and if you ever find the time to come to the paradise we have plenty of room for you and your family to stay with us.

    So aloha for now with love from Hawaii…!

  28. Henry Wake Huffman

    my internet service was cut down by the tree trimmers so I’m behind on the Bernards. The video I most want to watch is when you take your cattle to market. You normally sale on the farm, however the man never purchased them this year. I didn’t see any comment section on the video I watched this evening.

  29. Love your videos…I was not raised on a farm but always wished I had been. I take after my dad with the love of country life and growing our food. My husband and I just retired from our jobs and moved to a smaller town. Working on having a small farm (at age of 66), planning to have chickens and our youngest grandson wants ducks.

    I am currently working on gardens for the spring and planning our chicken coop and shelter for the ducks. I love driving our tractor and working so close to nature! You have a beautiful family, thank you for sharing your farm life!

  30. Recently discovered your farm experiences on youtube. Now I am hooked. I am a farmer also and can relate to many of your experiences. I live on a family farm that has been in the family for a hundred years.

    I love watching you in everyday life. The TV hasn’t been on since discovering you guys. Keep up the good work.

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