Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Dineo Moeketsi |
Mother / Mom | Kgomotso ‘kg’ Moeketsi |
Birthday / Date of Birth / Age / How old is Dineo Moeketsi | 20th July 1989. As of 2025, she is around 37 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Boyfriend / Dating | Currently not married, possibly single. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Is Dineo Moeketsi a sangoma? | Dineo Moeketsi has publicly stated that she is a traditional healer, known as a sangoma. |
Children / No. of Kids | 2 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | Black |
Nationality | South African |
Background Profile / Biography Information
Introduction :
Dineo Moeketsi is an actress, singer, dancer, and TV. She is known internationally but originally hails from South Africa.
Personal Life : Parents, Family and Education
- Dineo was born on 20th July 1989 in South Africa.
- Education : Due to showing enormous potential from a young age she was given the opportunity to study at the National School of Arts.
- From there, she went on to train at the New School for Jazz & Contemporary Music in New York, where her teachers praised her vocal abilities.
- Dineo is a polyglot. She fluently speaks English, Zulu, Tswana, Sotho and Xhosa languages.
Dineo Moeketsi Dating, Boyfriend & Relationships :
- Dineo has been dating the rapper Solo since 2012.
- She has said that she did not set out to date anyone in the entertainment industry, and at the time of meeting the up and coming rapper – he was working as an accountant.
- The couple are known to be notoriously private with their relationship, but when Dineo was asked how her partner copes with her on-screen romantic scenes, she explained that he has to brace himself to see them, but he does not get jealous.
Work in Theatre :
- Excelling in areas such as acting, singing and dancing from a young age, she was naturally drawn towards stage work.
- An accomplished stage actress, she has performed in the following productions: Grease; The 5th Floor & 66676
- Critics praised her performance in Grease and she has said she hopes to do similar productions in the future.
TV & Movie Work :
- Dineo’s TV career was kickstarted after winning a nationwide talent search for the role of a new host for the Channel O music show O-Access.
- After winning the competition, she famously took over from Nonhle Thema, who moved on to other roles within MTV.
- So far, she has played roles in the following TV programs – Room 9, Soul City, City Ses’la, and My Perfect Proposal
- In 2010, she was invited to be a presenter at the Channel O Music Video Awards. In 2011, she was again invited to participate in the same awards, this time as the co-host of the awards alongside Banky W.
- In 2011, Dineo made her film debut in the movie Sky. The movie showcased the negative effects of smoking. It was centred on one man, and his continuous self-destruction over the space of one day. Dineo plays the daughter of the main character.
- The following year, in 2012, she was hired as a red carpet reporter in the build-up show to the 9th Annual Channel O Music Video Awards.
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