Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Pete Wicks |
Sister | Leesh Wicks |
Siblings | He has 2 siblings. |
Birthday / Age / Date of Birth / How old is? | 31st October 1988. As of 2025, he is around 37 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Wife / Partner / Dating / Girlfriend | Currently not married, possibly single. Check the full bio for relationship details. Has dated a number of different girls over the years. |
Children / No. of Kids | None |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | British |
Pete Wicks dogs / Pets | He owns two rescue French bulldogs – Eric and Peggy. |
Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
- Pete Wicks is a businessman from Harlow, Essex most popular for starring on the show The Only Way is Essex (TOWIE). He joined the cast of TOWIE in the year 2015.
Personal Life & Pete Wicks Dating :
- Pete started dating the model Megan Mckenna around April 2016. It developed into a serious relationship after Megan joined the TOWIE cast, but a texting scandal rocked the relationship. They patched up for some time but later didn’t appear with each other in public places & stopped following each other on social platforms.
- Pete and Megan’s relationship came into the limelight when Pete was caught in an offensive text scandal with model Jacqui Ryland. It is said that Pete sent some explicit and inappropriate texts & messages to Jacqui while he was with Megan on holiday.
- After this, during the National Television Awards in 2017, Pete and Megan were caught fighting in the event itself. Subsequently, Megan left the event crying, and hence the couple split again.
- Pete also dated a model, Harriett Harper, before Jacqui. That relationship also went through various ups and downs, and finally, the two broke up with each other.
- Before Megan, Pete dated a model Emma Green for some time.
TV Career :
- Pete is most popular for his appearance on The Only Way is Essex. On account of his charismatic looks & the show’s huge success, Pete quickly amassed a huge female following.
- In 2015, TOWIE went on to win a Bafta award. In 2016, he featured in Release The Hounds show wherein he was competing alongside some famous faces such as Bobby Noris and Chloe Sims.
- In 2016, Pete released his 2016 personal calendar showcasing and featuring his killer model looks.
- As per media news, it is said that Pete’s ex-girlfriend, Harper, may join the show TOWIE in the upcoming months. Pete himself is scheduled to appear in a new celebrity dating show in the second half of 2017.
Jobs, Business Outside TV :
- Along with his TV commitments, Pete Wicks is also a successful and rich businessman.
- He is primarily into real estate business and property development, but has diversified into other areas as well.
- He also works as a model. Other sources of income include personal appearances in various events and clubs.
- He is known to also own a recruitment firm in the healthcare sector. Off-camera, he is always busy with his business.
Interesting Facts, Body & Looks :
- Pete is quite popular on Instagram. He has more than a million followers on Instagram & more than 300,000 followers on Twitter (now called X). He often keeps posting his friends’ photographs on social networks.
- He is very famous for his blue eyes, long hair and tattoos among his fans.
- He has a brother named Joe Wicks.
- Since he has long hair, he often styles them.
- A enthusiastic party lover, he is often seen in clubs.
- Pete is extremely fond of his pug, Ernest.
- James Lock is one of his close friends. After Pete appeared on the ITVBe serial, his and James’s relationship suffered.