Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Landon Clements |
Sorority | No confirmed information is available. |
Birthday / Date of Birth / How old is she? / Landon Clements Age | April 23, 1982. As of 2025, she is around 43 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Partner / Dating | Was married but later separated. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Where is Landon Clements now? | Since Landon left Bravo, she has focused on real estate. |
Children / No. of Kids | None |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | American |
Wikipedia Bio / Profile Background
Introduction : Landon Clements Biography
The daughter of affluent parents & ex-wife of a wealthy businessman, Landon Clements made her claim to fame as a cast member on Southern Charm in 2015.
Early Life, Education & Landon Clements Family :
- Landon is from St. Simons Island, Georgia, USA on April 23, 1982.
- Her full name at birth was ‘Ansley Landon Clements.’
- Parents : Land developer, Michael Clements (father) and Cynthia ‘Cindy’ Clements (mother). She grew up with two younger sisters, Powell and Cameron Clements.
- Education : The Clement siblings first went to school in Atlanta. Landon then began studying Art and Historic Preservation at The College of Charleston. It is one of the oldest institutes in South Carolina.
- Here, she became friends with her Southern Charm co-star, Shep Rose. She also spent some of her college semesters in Italy.
Landon Clements Husband : Marriage & Divorce
- Landon met her ex-husband, James Maby, CEO of Sports Logistics LTD, at the age of 24. At the time she was living in Telluride, Colorado.
- They married in Charleston not long after beginning their relationship & went to live in Los Angeles.
- The couple separated in 2013 after seven years of “living the dream” in the Hollywood Hills.
- Landon decided to leave LA & spent some time in Aspen, Colorado, before returning to Charleston.
- She has since referred to her ex as “An international man of not much mystery.”
Landon Clements Southern Charm Stint :
- Landon made her first on-screen appearance in 2015 when she joined season two of the American TV series, Southern Charm, broadcasted on Bravo TV.
- She has since been a cast member in Season 3 & 4 of the popular reality show.
- In EP 10 of her first season on Southern Charm, Landon confessed to her good friend Shep that she had been in love with him for a long time.
- Shep was left rather speechless by the revelation.
- However things looked up for Landon in Season 4, when she went on a date with co-star Thomas Ravenel, 20 years her senior!
- She & Thomas, have been openly flirting in front of the camera.
Career Besides TV : Landon Clements Website and Net Worth :
- Besides TV, Landon has worked in Colorado for one of Ralph Lauren’s interior designers.
- When she moved to LA she pursued her newfound passion and began working for hotel developers, SBE and French designer, Philippe Starck.
- In 2017, she launched a travel website with her co-founder, Anna Lombardi, using ‘Trovare’ meaning “to find” as the site name.
- The pair use the site to post updates of their world travels and provide “guides to…”
Trivia and Body Measurements :
- During the stress of her married life collapsing, the unhappy wife was losing hair and apparently weighing just 95 pounds at one time.
- Landon Clements Height : 5′ 9 ”
- Landon Clements Pregnant : No