Personal Details Summary | |
Name | Jackie Siegel (Also known as : David Siegel Wife) |
Birthday / Date of Birth / Age / How old is JACKIE SIEGEL | January 19, 1966. As of 2025, she is around 59 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Spouse / Partner / Boyfriend | Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Children / No. of Kids | 8 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | American |
Are David and Jackie Siegel still together? | Yes, he lives in America with his wife Jackie Siegel and their children. |
Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
Jackie Siegel is an American model, actress, socialite, and beauty pageant director.
Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :
- Jackie was born on January 19, 1966 in USA. She was raised in Binghamton, New York.
- Her full name is Jacqueline “Jackie” Siegel. Her name before marriage was Jacqueline Mallery.
- Education : She studied in 1989 at “Rochester Institute of Technology” where she got a Bachelor’s degree in computer technology engineering.
- Her hobbies included playing tennis, painting and skiing.
Marriage, Children, Relationships & Siegel Family :
- In 2000, she married David Siegel, the owner of Westgate Resorts (an American Florida-based timeshare resort firm founded in 1982). They had a Jewish ceremony (Even though she is not Jewish).
- They have 8 children together – Jonquil Siegel (1994), Victoria Siegel (1996 – Passed Away in 2015) who are her daughters from a previous relationship, David Siegel (1997), Daniel Siegel (2001), Debbie Siegel (2002), Drew Siegel (2004), Jacqueline Siegel & Jordan Siegel (2007). Jonquil was adopted.
- In 2015, Victoria (Jackie’s daughter from another relationship) was found dead in the family’s mansion in Florida due to an overdose on prescription medication.
- She had previously entered rehab. After that, the family didn’t want to come back to the mansion for a couple of weeks.
- They continue to live in Binghamton, New York.
Jackie Siegel Net Worth : Salary, Career and Profession
- Jackie was featured in 2015 in an episode of Celebrity Wife Swap, a reality show where two families with different lifestyles swap wives for two weeks.
- She has her own documentary called The Queen of Versailles made in 2012 in which people are able to see Jackie and David’s life. The documentary was awarded in the Sundance Film Festival.
- She also worked in the movies Let Me Out, The Magician and Night Terror.
Life Outside TV :
- In 1993, Jackie won the beauty pageant Mrs. Florida America. She is nowadays the director of the pageant.
- She is on the board of directors of Westgate Resorts and the charity Ocoee Thrift Mart.
- She also founded the charity Locals Helping Locals and another Victoria Siegel Foundation which helps to raise awareness and provide essential support to youth and families affected by substance abuse.
- Jackie and her husband are the co-owners of Orlando Predators, a professional arena football team.
Body Measurements and Interesting Facts :
- Jackie Siegel height is 5 feet 8 inches.
- She was severely criticized for taking pictures of her daughter’s coffin while having a soft drink. A spokesman of the family tried to defend her by saying that people deal with grief in different ways.
- There were a few reports that she dated President Donald Trump in the past.
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