Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Eden Sassoon |
Sister | Catya Sassoon |
Birthday / Date of Birth / Eden Sassoon Age | Born in 1973. As of 2025, she is around 52 years old. |
Wedding / Husband / Dating / Marriage / Spouse | Previously Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
What is Eden Sassoon known for? | Eden Sassoon is the outspoken daughter of beauty icon Vidal Sassoon. |
Children / No. of Kids | 2 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | American |
Wiki Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
Best know as the daughter of hairdressing and beauty legend Vidal Sassoon, Eden Sassoon is a beauty and wellness advocator from the USA and a star of the reality TV show The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills.
Family Background and Early Life :
- Born in 1973, Eden Sassoon is the daughter of parents – British-American Vidal Sassoon and American Beverly Adams. Her father is a hair & beauty expert and entrepreneur, while her mother is an actress and author.
- Although she had a comfortable childhood in a prosperous family, Eden’s parents always encouraged their children to make their own way in the world.
- The model now lives in Beverley Hills with two children Olivia and Tyler, balancing the life of a single mother and a professional.
- Currently, Eden is not romantically attached. She was previously married to top Hollywood executive Tomer DeVito, the father of her children, but they divorced in 2008.
Education : Qualifications, High School & College Info
- Eden attended public schools. After graduating high school, she opted to start work instead of attending university.
- She has gone on to achieve various certifications in complimentary therapies, yoga and pilates.
Acting Career, Salary and Net Worth :
- Early in her career, Sassoon briefly worked as an actress, notably starring in the 1997 movie Mind Games.
- 20 years later, due to her popularity and despite being divorced, she was given a starring role on Bravo’s show, The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills. She only stayed on the show for the first season & left quickly, in 2017.
- She also has her own business running two studios for pilates & yoga in Beverley Hills, and is also the owner of a salon named Eden, which offers hair and beauty treatments.
Interesting Facts, Height and Trivia :
- After sadly losing her sister early in life, Eden endured a period of alcoholism. Her sister, promising actress Catya Sassoon, died of an overdose in 2002 aged 34. When her father died in 2012 at the age of 82, Eden gave up the booze entirely, becoming inspired to take her family name forwards.
- She is a huge health & beauty enthusiast and practices yoga and pilates in her spare time, in addition to teaching them. Describing her prolonged period of “being single” in interviews, Eden has put it down to “need to kiss a lot of frogs before finding a prince.