Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Danielle Bryk |
Birthday / Date of Birth / Age / How old / DOB | November 2, 1972. As of 2025, she is around 53 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Engaged / Husband / Boyfriend | Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
How many dogs does Danielle Bryk have? | Ferdinand and Lucky are her two dogs |
Children / No. of Kids | 3 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | Canadian |
Wiki Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
Danielle Bryk (maiden name Danielle Nicholas) is an American interior designer and television show host for HGTV and DIY Network.
Personal Life : Parents, Family and Education
- Danielle was the youngest of four children in her family.
- Her sister Terry contributes to Danielle’s interior projects as a stylist. Terry has attended the New York-based Fashion Institute of Technology. She has also worked as a fashion consultant at Macy’s By Appointment in NYC.
- Danielle herself has a degree in English Literature and Art History from Queen’s University. However, she realized that home decorating and design is her calling.
- Danielle had learned some basic home renovation from her mother when she was still young. As a child, too, she would constantly rearrange the home furniture. Later, she moved to New York to study design at Parsons School.
Marriage and Relationships :
- Since March 1996, Danielle is married to Greg Bryk, a Canadian film and television actor. Greg has also graduated from Queen’s University.
- Greg has many recurring roles on television and was a series regular in shows such as Bitten, ReGenesis, Frontier, Mary Kills People and The Handmaid’s Tale.
- The couple has three children, Dempsey, Ella and Billy, and they have two dogs by the name of Ferdinand and Lucky.
- Greg used to spend a lot of time at home raising the kids when they were young.
Design and Home Renovation : Career and Net Worth
- Danielle and her hubby Greg had bought, renovated, and sold various small properties in the past.
- They then bought a 100-year-old house in Toronto, which was rundown, filled with raccoons & had a flooded basement. However, it was in a good neighborhood, and they intended to make it into a family home.
- To cover the renovation cost, their mortgage broker introduced them to a production company in Canada. So was born ‘Building Bryks, a TV show which documented the Bryks renovating their house.
- Danielle earned her contractor license while filming the series.
- While they were experienced in renovating houses, this was a huge project involving gutting the house on the inside. While Danielle did a lot of the design work, she left the major portions such as plumbing and electrical wiring to the professionals.
- Filming delayed the renovation, with the whole project taking close to eight months!
More TV Shows & Other Work :
- The show was so successful that Danielle went on to host similar shows, ‘A Bryk at a time’ and ‘Bryk House.’ She became known for her chic and contemporary style.
- In 2019, Danielle Bryk started filming a documentary series, The Bryk Cottage, which aired on Cottage Life Television. It followed Bryk through the drama, ups, and downs as she designed a low carbon cottage for her sister and brother-in-law.
- Bryk also owns a design company ‘Studio Nicholas.’ The aesthetic is urban and pared back. Danielle gets inspiration from her travels, and her designs always center around balance.
Interesting Facts, Height and Trivia :
- Danielle’s first job was at a clothing boutique. She loves coffee, dogs and her favorite class in school was shop class.
- Her favorite season is summer, although Christmas is her favorite holiday.
- Her favorite film is Love Actually while her go-to karaoke song is ‘I will survive’ by Gloria Gaynor.
- Danielle’s ideal vacation is to go surfing with her family. It will be a laid-back holiday without phones and internet where they will stay in a small villa on the beach, cooking, eating, and talking around the table.
Some of her favorites as mentioned in an interview were as follows :
- Hot Dog or Hamburger : Hamburger
- Coffee or Tea : Coffee
- Spicy or Sweet Spicy
- Sunset or Sunrise : Sunset
- Summer or Winter : Summer
- Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate
- Sneakers or Heels : She is more comfortable in sneakers, but she does like a nice heel
Danielle is smokin hot!