Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Corinne Olympios |
Sister | Taylor Olympios |
Birthday / Edad / How old is Corinne Olympios Age | November 11, 1992. As of 2025, she is around 33 years old. |
Wedding / Corinne Olympios Engaged / Dating / Marriage / Boyfriend | Nothing confirmed. See the section below. |
Why did Corinne get kicked off Bachelor in Paradise? | Currently shutting down production of “Bachelor in Paradise” due to alleged “misconduct” on set, former star Corinne Olympios. |
Children / No of Kids | None |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | Caucasian. She is supposedly of Greek heritage |
Nationality | American |
Biography Profile / Wikipedia Biografia
Introduction :
Connie Olympios, the gorgeously stunning model, was the star of The Bachelor has quickly become a uber-popular TV personality. She has worked with the DDO Artist Agency & is also a successful businesswoman, with a multimillion-dollar online company.
Corinne Olympios Parents, Sister & Business :
- Corinne was born into a wealthy Jewish family on November 11, 1992.
- She is the eldest daughter of Peri Miriam (mother) and James Olympios, (father). Both of them are from New Jersey.
- She has one sister, Taylor Olympios. Corinne grew up in Miami but studied at the Florida International University.
- Her parents own a multimillion-dollar coating and flooring business, Armor Garage. Corinne began her business career with the company after completing her college studies.
- The company is based in Miami and reportedly turns over about $3 million per year.
Corinne Olympios Business & Other Job Details :
- Corinne runs an affluent online business, which was allegedly started by her parents.
- The entrepreneur had also dabbled in the acting and modelling industry and has profiles on the websites ModelMayhem and ExploreTalent.
- She has featured in music videos for big stars like Akon, Lil Jon, Pitbull and DJ Khaled.
- Besides modelling for various magazines, Corinne’s main claim to fame was for her participation in the 2017 season of American reality show The Bachelor.
- Corrine was the ‘villain’ on the 21st season of the hit reality show.
Interesting Facts and Trivia
- Corinne has tattoos which are currently being removed.
- A fan of the TV show ‘Frasier.’
- Her deal date would be at a restaurant in an mind-blowing location.
- If she could be any animal, Corinne would choose to be a Cheetah.
Corinne Olympios The Bachelor Controversy !
- She appeared in the fourth season of The Bachelor’s spin-off show, ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ but filming was temporarily suspended and the season delayed following an allegation of sexual misconduct.
- The incident occurred while shooting on set in Sayulita, Mexico.
- She and co-star, DeMario Jackson, the former villain of the Bachelorette season, once had a little too much to drink and ended up naked in the swimming pool.
- Corrine lodged a complaint with the crew for continuing to film the subsequent events.
- She claimed that she had been too drunk to consent and has no memory of what happened!
- However another Bachelor in Paradise co-star, Jasmine Goode suggested that Corrine forced herself on DeMario, along with three other cast members.
The Rumours don’t End…
- Fans of the show also speculated about Corinne’s secret boyfriend/fiance.
- A photo on Instagram of herself with Chad Johnson, from The Bachelorette, has raised suspicions.
- Also one of her ex-boyfriends wrote on his blog that the star “had a fiance the entire show” and “faked the whole thing.”
- She was also spotted with a sparkling ring on her wedding finger while posing for a picture with Instagram Blogger, Claudia Oshry.
Net Worth, Height & Body Measurements :
- Corinne Olympios Height : 5′1″`
- Weight : 100 pounds
- Eye Color : Brown