Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Chloe Sims |
Sister | Frankie and Demi Sims |
Birthday / How old is she? / Chloe Sims Age / Date of Birth / DOB | 2nd November 1981. As of 2025, she is around 44 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Partner / Dating / Boyfriend | Currently not married, possibly single. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Who does Chloe Sims have a tattoo of? | On an episode of TOWIE aired in November, Pete revealed he had a tattoo of Chloe’s name. |
Children / No. of Kids | 1 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | British |
Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
Chloe Sims is a reality television personality from England, who is also known as a beauty entrepreneur.
Personal Life : Brother, Mum and Family Details
- Chloe Sims was born on 2 November 1981 in Newbury Park, London.
- Her full name at birth was Chloe Linda Daisy Margaret Sims.
- She has an extremely close relationship with her parents, which has strengthened since birth of her daughter Madison Simms (Maddie) in 2005.
- Chloe raises Madison as a single parent, and looks particularly to her father to provide a strong male influence to her daughter.
- When asked in an interview in 2016, she stated that her daughters father does not play a large role in her daughter’s life.
Chloe Sims Net Worth & TOWIE :
- Chloe came to public appearance for her involvement in the ITVBe reality show ‘The Only Way Is Essex,
- TOWIE is a soap opera based reality show which aims to put real people into modified situations.
- She was invited to appear in the show in 2011 for season 2.
- It was believed her invitation came after producers noticed her after she had visited her 2 cousins involved in the show, Joey and Frankie Essex.
Stint at TOWIE :
- Chloe Sims biggest storylines centred around her relationship with Elliott Wright.
- The two had an explosive relationship & were together roughly from season 13 to season 15.
- When asked in early 2017 if she could see the two getting back together, she replied that there is nothing she would hate more than that.
- Another storyline that saw her involved was the relationship between Pete Wicks and Megan McKenna.
- Sims is a close friend of Wicks, and has said there is no chance she would ever try to pursue a relationship with him.
- McKenna reportedly grew jealous of it, and this resulted in an extremely violent break-up that ended with the crew having to restrain both parties.
Social Media, Controversy and Interesting Facts :
- Chloe’s voice led to praise from critics, and she was considered a standout on the two tracks recorded by various TOWIE stars.
- The songs, ‘Last Christmas’ and ‘The Only Way is Up,’ were recorded in December 2011 to raise money for Text Santa. It is an organisation that works on providing funding to various children’s charities.
- She has been strongly criticized for admitting that shortly after her daughter’s birth she starved herself to get a flatter stomach.
- Chloe Sims Height : 165 cm
- She has since acknowledged that it was an extremely unhealthy thing to do, and has also said it was pointless as pregnancy left her with a ‘jelly belly’ which she now is now proud of.