Personal Details Summary | |
Name | Cat Bigney |
Birthday / How old is Cat Bigney Age / Date of Birth / DOB | No confirmed information is available on the year she was born. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Dating / Partner / Boyfriend | No confirmed information is available. |
Children / No. of Kids | None |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | Mixed |
Nationality | American |
Where does Cat Bigney live? | Currently, she is living in Austin, Texas. |
Wiki Biodata / Profile Background
Introduction :
- Blue-eyed beautiful brunette, Cat Bigney, is not only a wilderness survival expert and medical instructor, but also an advocate for many human rights and environmental rights.
- Cat’s unique childhood growing up in the Wasatch Mountains prepared her for her current stint as a cast of the National Geographic series “The Great Human Race.”
Cat Bigney Personal Life and Family :
- Bigney was born in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah.
- Her father and grandfather were both contracted beaver trappers.
- During college, Cat lived in a shack with chickens and a flood-irrigation garden.
- She had once lived in Portland, Oregon, but now lives in Austin, Texas.
Education : Qualifications, High School & College Info
- Cat pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Sciences with an emphasis on Anthropology at Utah Valley University.
- Her love for contact sports lead her to become an athlete and she has competed in sports like water polo, rugby and football.
- While there, she was a part of the Behavioral Sciences Club, Women’s Rugby club, NCAA Compliance Support and the Native Sun.
- As a hardworking student, she was also a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and she graduated ‘Summa-Cum-Laude’.
Work, Salary, Net worth and Career :
- In 2000, Cat joined Boulder Outdoor Survival School (BOSS) in Boulder, Utah, as a wilderness survival instructor. She is now the head instructor there and has worked with some of the world’s top survival experts.
- After graduation in 2004, she became an Assistant to the Professor of the Geography and Behavioral Sciences departments as well as NCAA compliance. She stayed there until 2008.
- In November 2010, she joined the Wilderness Medical Institute of the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) in Lander, Wyoming as a wilderness medicine instructor. She was also a wilderness first responder.
- From October to December 2014, she worked as a survival consultant for Shine TV’s television show The Island with Bear Grylls. The show premiered in 2015, and in the show, people are taken to an uninhabited Pacific island and left for six weeks.
- Bigney joined the National Geographic Channel in December 2014 as a researcher, contributor, and prehistoric survival educator.
- In 2016, she became a TV host and survival instructor for the National Geographic Channel’s The Great Human Race. She cohosts with Bill Schindler, archaeologist, and professor at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland. The premise of the show is that they attempt to live as our most primitive ancestors did.
Cat Bigney Body Measurements, Fun Facts and Height :
- During her childhood, Cat built a shack on her own.
- From an early age, her grandfather taught her how to trap and skin beavers and learned how to make fires.
- Cat is very passionate about primitive cultures, specifically art and social infrastructure.
- With The Great Human Race, Cat has travelled to varied places like Ethiopia, Turkey, Mongolia, Alaska and Oregon.
- Cat has also done quite a bit of volunteer work with organizations such as The Road Home Foundation & The Ssejinja Children’s Foundation.
- Her favorite food is guacamole.