Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Laura Coates |
Birthday / Laura Coates Age / Date of Birth / DOB | No confirmed information is available. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Engaged / Partner | Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
What happened to Laura Coates on CNN? | Laura works as a CNN senior legal analyst and continues to work there. |
Children / No. of Kids | 2 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | Black |
Nationality | American |
Wiki Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
Laura Coates, an intelligent woman with dark hair and a wry, knowing smile, is currently a legal analyst for CNN, with an active role on major media outlets.
Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :
- Coates was born and raised in St. Paul, Minnesota.
- She has an elder sister, Tracey Coates, who was named one of Washingtonian Magazine’s “Top Family Lawyers of 2018.” Tracey also has a podcast called “The Divorce Chronicles”, and runs a business called Time 4 Mom, a subscription box with luxury items for busy working mothers.
- Throughout her life, Laura has been a proud supporter of Civil Rights and Women’s Rights issues and reflects that in much of her public image.
- She is also happily married and has two children – one son and one daughter, Sydney. Together, the four of them live in Washington, D.C.
- When Sydney was four years old, she once told Laura that she didn’t like Laura’s ‘dark’ skin color & how she looked on television. When she shared this incident on live radio, Laura was unable to hold back her tears and revealed it was devastating and shocking to hear this.
- ‘Jeopardy’ show host once mentioned that Laura could be a worthy successor to him as the show’s host. Laura was elated to hear this, as she has been a life-long fan of the show, ever since she was 4 or 5.
Education : Qualifications, High School & College Info
Bachelor’s :
- Before Coates began her successful career, she attended Princeton University, a prestigious Ivy League School based in Princeton, New Jersey. Originally founded in 1746, the school is one of the oldest universities in the United States and is proud of this heritage.
- Within the university, she attended the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, named after President Wilson. Once she graduated, she immediately moved on to law school.
Juris Doctor :
- Laura then attended the University of Minnesota Law School, a university that has consistently been ranked as one of the best law schools in the United States.
- She received her J.D. degree from Minnesota Law, and immediately began working.
Legal Positions Held :
- Laura began her journey into the field of law by working as a prosecutor. She served as a trial attorney in the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. There, she worked to end disenfranchisement and enforce voting rights throughout the country.
- She also served as a former assistant to the U.S. Attorney for Washington, D.C., where she mainly worked with high-profile crimes like drug trafficking.
- Eventually, Coates left the life of high-profile crimes and began working in private practice as an intellectual property litigator, a position she continues to keep today. She also focuses on cases involving the First Amendment, defamation, copyright issues, and trademark infringement.
Laura Coates Books & Other Publications :
- As her expertise with legal issues grew, Coates began writing features and offering research to major publications, such as The Washington Post and The Boston Herald.
- In January of 2016, Coates even released her own book, a legal guide titled You Have The Right: A Constitutional Guide to Policing the Police.
- Due to its easy language, the rise of visible police brutality, and 2016’s political climate, the book became an instant bestseller, and people across the country began using it to educate themselves on the laws surrounding police engagement.
Career in Media, Salary and Net Worth :
- Laura has appeared on numerous TV and radio programs, and currently hosts her own radio shows that airs on Insight and UrbanView, two channels on SiriusXM.
- She has appeared on MSNBC, TVONE and CNN, where she is now working as a legal analyst. Through CNN, she offers commentary and legal information on a number of complex issues.
Body Figure / Physical Info
Laura Coates Measurements :
- Eye Color : Brown
- Haircut / Hair Color : Brown
- How tall / Height : 5′2″
- Legs / Feet / Shoe Size : No confirmed information is available.
- Laura Coates Pregnant? : Currently, she is not expecting a baby.
Laura thinks she is an expert on everything. Just because she was a federal prosecutor and got her jollies on putting everyone under the jail that breathed, it doesn’t make her the smartest hottie in D. C.
Laura is intelligent, attractive, articulate, and very knowledgeable. She is a straight shooter and attempts to be factual and non-partisan. We need more of these.
Her broad experience allows her to do that.
Mueller should put Laura Coates on his team……TODAY!!
I thought I was the only one that have noticed the intelligence of Laura Coates. Hands up this woman is amazing her explanations on legal matters is as clear as it can be. You rock Laura, keep up!!!
Coates & Hennessy are the 2 brightest legal analysts on cable.
They would be a good ticket for POTUS & VP in 2020.
I find Laura Coates very much admirable as a lady with special thoughts whenever she is analyzing on legal topics. Laura is a very much humble and intelligence person.
Simply the best ever on CNN
This woman is simply brilliant, the way she analyzed complex legal issues and then deduce them down to the simple legal form is amazing.
wow, I am so impressed by the accolades on Laura. I had thought I was the only one who found this lady intelligent and in the right profession. She speaks like a lawyer should, and perhaps a judge. She is also very beautiful; she is gorgeous intellectually and physically. As a Canadian, I watch any CNN program that features her and always wait for her to speak!
I love the lady. She is pretty, smart, and intelligent. Everytime I see her I remind myself that I too want to be a lawyer.
This lady is a model for other females who are mothers, sisters, aunties, cousins…Smart, pretty, articulate, and well educated.
Laura Coates, as this thread shows, I’m not the only one impressed by your intelligent and amazingly articulate analysis of the daily events in Washington. You are a great asset to the people of America, in providing such a clear understanding of the extent of damage the Trump administration is inflicting on the country. As a Canadian and a close observer of the unbelievable vitriol, lies and hatred that is coming from your President, I’m so glad that someone like you can calmly counteract that, explaining so rationally, with facts and without losing your ‘cool’. That’s real talent!! Run for office. America needs you!
Laura, you are a brilliant woman and a superb role model. I hope I live to see you elected President.
If I needed a lawyer, Laura Coates would be the first person I would call. My daughter wants to be a lawyer so she listen to how well Laura speaks and how knowledgable she is. Very refreshing and proud to see a African American represent so well.
We need more Lauras to be given the opportunity to showcase the beauty, knowledge and intelligence that is typical of many proud black women. Laura, You Rock!!!
I thoroughly enjoy her radio show-her humor and laughter are priceless!
The book, You Gave the Right, should be required reading in all HBCU University 101 classes, particularly, and in University 101 classes and Social Work/Sociology courses in general.
She’s indeed a strong and professional analyst. I love her golden voice
Simply ONE of the best communicators in media. Smart, quick-witted, intelligible, with true leadership qualities. Much Love and Blessings!!!
Her intelligence, articulation and sharp point of view compelled me to Google her background. I’m not surprise; she’s got impeccable credentials. Congratulations Laura!
I love listening to Laura. She is so on top of her game, a brilliant attorney who’s sharp and intelligent, humble and a beauty with a sense of humor. I can tell we will hear a lot more from her.
I ALWAYS appreciate seeing Laura Coates as a CNN commentator. She gives such intelligent analyses.
If I’m not sitting in front of the TV when Laura is on CNN, I run to the TV. I am proud of her success of a woman who happens to be black. Beside being “drop dead gorgeous”, I’m madly in love with her brain. I hope my grown daughters and granddaughters catch on to this positive civil rights and women’s rights super heroine.
May the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob continue blessing you and your household.
I am glad that I have a portal an opportunity to say to Laura Coates how intrigued I am by your intelligence I witness from time to time on CNN.
Very nice work!!!
Thank you
*Have, not Gave
I am an Asian Canadian of Sri Lankan origin who currently resides in Montreal, Canada. As a frequent viewer of the CNN programs of Wolf Blitzer, John King, Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon I began noticing a charismatic and smart young contributor on some of the panels whose name is Laura Coates and was immediately drawn to the manner she conducted herself with dignity and style and the sublime aura of someone with particular grace and charm around her which stood out in a crowd each time she articulated her thoughts. She seemed to have wisdom and intelligence way beyond her years and I do enjoy all her appearances on CNN TONIGHT together with the rest of its contributors but Laura’s presence truly embellishes the show. I wish her every success in her future.
Too bad there are not more lawyers like her. She is so sweet and humble.
Does not interrupt others and seems very calm and content.not put on
or artificial and made up with makeup, etc. Keep it up Laura. You are a
class act.
Laura is a wise, intelligent and articulate young lady.
Laura Coates is a highly intelligent lawyer who happens to be a woman. I say it this way because she deserves to be respected as a legal professional for the work she has done in the same manner as her male counterparts would be respected. Hands down, she knows the law and is a legal force to be reckoned with. She is well poised and carries herself with a level of dignity and respect that is demanded as soon as she opens her mouth to speak.
I’ve watched CNN for many years, however when Laura Coates would come home she caught my attention very quickly. She has expertise in the field of whatever is being discussed and she is very poised. But this what amazes me, if a topic is discussed where she does not agree or if something is said that is not clear enough, she brings the clarification so clearly that a first grader could understand. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her get angry to the point where it shows on her face. This woman is very intelligent and lovely.
Mrs Coates is smart…beautiful…and should run for public office
Yes, she is. First class
I thoroughly enjoy listening and following Ms Coates. Her brilliance shines brightly and is so very articulate…I appreciate so much her genuineness and combined with her empathic qualities, presents an excellent personna that begs of public office-and what a wonderful leader she would be for the US…
I am so very proud Ms. Coates. It is so refreshing and enlightening to hear her comment on such critical issues. As a black man I say keep raising the bar. Yesss
Bro Ash
I am truly very attentive when Laura comes on CNN, listen to every word that comes out of this intelligent lady. She is truly amazing. Keep up the great work Ms Laura. You are an asset to the American system of justice and fairness. As a black person I am proud of you. Watching you from north and free (Canada)
I have been watching Laura Coates for a long time on CNN. Laura is one of those few jems that you see passing by in your lifetime. She is brilliant and she is wonderful to listen to. It is, no doubt, a great honor for Laura to be asked to assume the position of MC of Jeopardy. I watch Jeopardy all the time. All the participants with few exceptions know their stuff. However, I believe that Laura has a higher calling to become a great Supreme Court Justice or a Politician of major importance. The fact is that we all know that whatever Laura does, she will do it and do it well.
I love watching when she is on CNN. Smart, intelligent, poised and so very knowledgeable.
Laura, youre simply an amazing personality -enigmatic.
Pride of the Black Race.
What an intelligent and lovely woman. Keep up the good work!!!
I along with many people enjoy listening to this articulate and intelligent woman. She explains the situation so clearly. I’m in awe and very impressed with Laura Coates. We ‘the North’ love Laura!
Intelligent, brilliant, beautiful, gracious, articulate, humble, unpretentious, polite, well mannered ( gently and firmly chides when others are interrupting), professional, great sense of humour, explains simply etc., etc.,
I live in Canada…When Laura is part of the panel, I stop what I’m doing and wait to hear her analysis and views. She’s one in a million!!
CNN is lucky to have her!!
Laura for the Spreme Court!!
Her intelligence only accents her beauty. I don’t usually Google folks, but I had to find out more about this incredible lady. Love this woman and I’m so impressed with her academic background. Rock on Laura. I will find your radio show and start listening.
Very appreciative of the legal acumen Laura lens to the discourse of the moment, and am quite taken with her ability to articulate on the fly. Thanks for candor and compelling views.
I agree with Cheryl………Yes! Laura Coates for President!
I also enjoy watching Laura commentate on CNN like most of you! But she made my day today……I bumped into her and actually got to meet this SuperWoman & SuperMom!
WOW she’s so friendly and gracious.
What a Gem we have in our presence.
Keep up the fight Laura!
Brilliant and a pleasure to see and listen to her speak…A true beauty too!