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David Harper Antiques Dealer (BBC Artist) Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Bio, Wife

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Name David Harper

Birthday / How old is David Harper Age / Date of Birth / DOB Born in 1967. As of 2025, he is around 58 years old.

Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Dating / Partner / Boyfriend Married. Check the full bio for relationship details.

Wikipedia Biodata / Profile Background

Introduction :

David Harper is a British Antiques expert, well-known for his appearance on various BBC TV shows.

Personal Life, Childhood and Family :

  • David was born in 1967 in Middlesborough, England.
  • Attended school in Zimbabwe.
  • As a child, he searched fields for pottery shards & also collected coins and stamps.
  • Soon enough, he bought first antique at age 9.
  • Developing his hobby into a career, he entered antiques business full-time at 18.
  • At 23, he became the youngest director of PLC company in UK importing antique style furniture from Asia.
  • David is married & has a family that includes his wife, Wendy, and daughter, Henrietta.

David Harper Net Worth and Career Info :

BBC TV antiques expert and presenter :
Bargain Hunt, Flog It!, Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is and The Antiques Roadtrip

After dinner speaker :
– Hosts entertaining talks and events across UK

Painter :
– Art has been exhibited alongside Damien Hirst, Sir Peter Blake, Darren Baker, Ai Weiwei, Eduardo Paolozzi, and Henry Moore.
– Specializes in paintings of classic cars, as well as abstract images inspired by antiques.

Antiques and classic car dealer (30+ years) :
– Works with private clients, museums, and trade buyers.
– Has great contacts for buying everything from furniture to teddy bears, swords to pocket watches.

Charity auctioneer :
– Dinner with Sir Alex Ferguson: £170,000 (£100,000 over expectations)

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1 thought on “David Harper Antiques Dealer (BBC Artist) Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Bio, Wife”

  1. Why do David and other TV presenters always wear coloured jeans/trousers? Is it a personal choice or TV company ‘rules’?

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