Personal Details Summary | |
Name | Becky Stanley |
Birthday / Age / Date of Birth / How old is Becky Stanley? | September 6, 1961. As of 2025, she is around 64 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Spouse / Partner | Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Children / No. of Kids | 3 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | American |
What happened to Becky Stanley? | Becky Stanley is married. Becky Stanley married a Christian man named John Brodersen in Atlanta. |
Wiki Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
- Becky Stanley Brodersen is an American real estate service provider and sales agent.
- The daughter of the famous Christian preacher, Dr. Charles Stanley, Becky has been mentioned multiple occasions by her father in his sermons.
- Surprisingly, one of the most searched questions on Google is ‘Is Becky Stanley still alive?’ It appears that she is still doing well. Having clarified that, let’s get to her bio.
Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :
- Rebecca Stanley Brodersen was born to parents, Dr. Charles Stanley and his wife, Anna Johnson Stanley, on September 6, 1961. She was close to her grandparents, Rebecca and Charley Stanley.
- Becky’s mother, Anna Johnson Stanley, died on November 10, 2014. While remembering Anna, Becky posted a photo on Instagram on October 10, 2019, on her mom’s birthday.
- Becky’s brother, Andy Stanley, also followed in his father’s footsteps and has become a prominent preacher in the USA. She is also close with her niece, Alison Stanley, and nephews, Garrett Stanley and Andrew Stanley.
- For the last many decades, Becky is happily married to his husband, John Brodersen. They have two sons, Jonathan and Mathew Stanley, and a daughter named Annie Stanley. Becky also loves spending time with her two grandsons by Jonathan Stanley.
- Much of her free time is spent with family, her grandchildren, and three children, all of whom continue to live in Texas.
Education : Qualifications, High School & College Info
- After graduating high school, Becky earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Georgia.
Career, Job, Salary and Net Worth :
- Rebecca Stanley Brodersen earned her real estate service provider license from TREC (Texas Real Estate Commission)in Dallas, Texas.
- Since November 2017, Becky has been a Sales Associate for Allie Beth Allman & Associates, based in Dallas, Texas. Her values are the guiding principles in all her relationships. Becky’s commitment to honesty and excellence makes her a trustworthy agent.
- She advises her clients with professionalism and expertise understands the economic side of buying and selling as she has run a small business for over two decades. Having deep roots in the Park Cities area, Becky has sold homes in Devonshire and Highland Park. As per her bio on the firm’s website, Becky states that she believes in finding the right home for a family as a home is where life happens!
Interesting Facts, Height and Trivia :
- Becky is the daughter of renowned American preacher Dr. Charles Stanley. Charles is considered one of the most appealing American Bible teachers and pastors. Charles was the founder of In Touch Ministries in 1977 and Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church Atlanta since 1971.
- Charles’s ministry continues to grow in impact and scope across the USA and over the world. His programs have been broadcasted to over 2,800 television and radio shows, with programming available in more than 50 languages. As per Wikipedia, the ministries assets are said to be over $80 million!
- While paying tribute to her father on Dr. Stanley’s 80th birthday (September 2012), Becky emphasized how he taught her to pray and listen to God as a young child. She also shared a heartfelt testimony of his support and love over the years.
- As per her interview in Christian Post (June 16, 2013), the most crucial lesson Becky learned from her dad, Charles, was to trust God to answer your prayers and pray about everything. Considering God’s perspective and His way was always an essential part of the Stanley family thought process and dialogue.
- For Becky, the challenge while growing up as a pastor’s kid, was sharing her parents’ attention with the public. Despite their busy schedules, she recognizes the time and efforts her parents dedicated to her and her brother, Andy Stanley. As her children grew, grandpa Charles was a great source of wisdom for her.
- Becky is a volunteer and member of many organizations – Salvation Army, New Friends New Life, Women’s Auxiliary Dallas Woman’s Club, and Council for Life member.