Wiki Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
- ‘Nothing is impossible’ and’ ‘Only Believe’ are David Diga Hernandez’s mantras. A popular and charismatic evangelist, David is also a healing minister, author, and TV host.
- His emergence as a spiritual leader has seen him in demand to deliver his teachings around the world, filling out stadiums wherever he goes.
Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :
- David’s grandparents Danny and Linda Manch are also preachers.
- David now lives in Cerritos, California, but spent most of his childhood in Hawthorne.
- He has an older sister Raquel and a younger brother Michael.
- He married Jessica in April 2015 and welcomed his daughter Aria Rose into the world in April 2019.
Early Life and Education :
- David was born on March 22, 1989, in Artesia, California, and was brought up in a Christian family, so it was no surprise the life path that he took.
- He says it was at the age of 11 that he met Jesus. He read everything he could about Jesus, watched Christian TV programs, and prayed for four hours every day to Jesus for a period of two years.
- At the tender age of 13, David joined the ministry knowing that this was the life he wanted to lead and says it was here that he developed his close friendship with the Holy Spirit.
- David’s first job at the ministry was as a ‘Song Flipper’- he had to make sure that the congregation had the lyrics to the songs as it was in the days before digital media.
- Moreover, David also used to hold secret Miracle Services on his school campus and attend missions with his youth group. He simultaneously attended a Charismatic Church and a Baptist School, which he believes laid the strong foundation for his teachings.
Career, Income, Salary and Net Worth :
- David was only 14 when he wrote his first book, followed by ’Living a Life on Fire’ at the age of 16.
- Only a year later, he started his TV ministry at the age of 17.
- At the age of 20, he founded his own ministry ‘Miracle Encounter Services’
- In 2016, he released two books, ‘Carriers of the Glory’ and ‘25 Truths about Demons and Spirit Warfare.’ ‘Encountering the Holy Spirit’ soon followed in 2018, reaching number on the best sellers list. David has written over 12 books in total.
- His teachings can be seen regularly on JUCE TV, the youth-orientated Christian network as well as on the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN).
Interesting Facts, Height and Trivia :
- David says he was influenced as a young man by various personalities – His father, grandfather, Eddie Vargas and his pastor Omar Lopez, as well as healers Oral Roberts, Kathy Kuhlman, and Benny Hinn.
- Although David travels the world, he likes to serve his local church when he is at home.
- He has an ongoing battle with depression.
Pastor David,
Listening to your teachings of flowing with the Holy Spirit is easy, as I was hearing you preach. I know in my heart, that Jesus was confirming that I needed to listen to you, about the Holy Spirit no one has never teach it like you. The Holy Spirit was talking to me; very clearly that I needed to finish the whole sermon. I’m so grateful. and thankful to the Holy Spirit for directing my steps to your ministry. You will be my mentor from now on, your words come from the Holy Spirit, for He lives inside of us. If you let Him pour out His love through us, we can be those instruments for His Holy Kingdom. I didn’t know about you or even herd of you, but I heard your name mention on Joni Table Talk.
I also, thank God for your ministry.
Wow! Amazing, Pastor David…Pastor Vlad has visited the Philippines recently, may you visit our country too to impart the gifts God has entrusted to you. I am just reminded on how God called me in the ministry when I met the Lord at the age of 14, and after 3 months of earnestly seeking His Word in the New Testament and joining actively in prayer gatherings and worship meetings, I begun to preach the Gospel among the youth in the school campus and doing outreaches in the villages during weekends, and experiencing the manifestations of God’s gifts in my life…that’s how God led me and started the ministry…until I stop my secular schooling and started the full time ministry of the Gospel, while attending some ministerial trainings.
Much of my life was wasted, following the ways of the world, looking for acceptance, love and inner peace in all the wrong places. It was a colorful, adventurous life and I made a good living in a profession I thoroughly loved. But I always felt something important was missing. I visited different churches and religious groups, only to be disappointed, still feeling empty. Then I began to watch TV programs, listened to a good number of “Men of God”, only to discover their clever deceptions and self serving ways. Then followed a period of mistrust for me, but I began to pray for answers. I was so desparate to fill that void in my heart. Slowly my life started to change. God answered my prayers by helping me overcome all my addictions, and at the age of 83 I have given my life to JESUS. AMEN.
Why Benny Hinn & Oral Roberts, Pastor David ?
God bless you and the anointing that flows. I have recently came across this ministry and share with my family. I also have been enjoying the ministry that Pastor Colin Smith, youtube, explaining how Psalm 23 and Psalm 13, when David cried out to God, How long O Lord, say to God, exactly how you feel, and even when we don’t feel God in our struggles, we walk on faith in his word. Say God, I don’t feel it, but, I trust in your steadfast love, love we sometimes don’t feel, but last, trust in what God, said, I will never leave you or forsake you, In my affliction, I will sing to the Lord, he deals bountiful with me, by God’s Grace, no matter how long you suffer, lean into what you know, can’t always feel, but God is always there, ask God, How Long, How Long, and though we walk through the valley of death, we will fear no evil, our God is with us.
David, a man after God’s own heart, ask God, endurance and steadfast, faith not just feelings will bring God’s light to shine, even in our anxiety and pain and suffering, God is an always will be with us in our battles, cry out! I pray for all you are going through a period of suffering and pain and anxiety and fear, God let us know the how long and to trust you in even the longest trial, In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank you for staying close to the Father, son and Holy Spirit. I see that in you. God bless you.
I first heard of David on Facebook…I was fascinated with his teaching and his knowledge, and wisdom, being so young. Up to this point, I rejected most of the teaching on the Holy Spirit. I was in Ind. Baptist Church growing up but came to doubt many teachings.
In 1975, a pastor did a series of sermons on the modern movement which was negative and conveyed that it was of Satan. Up to that point I had not heard of this movement.
In 1977, I was invited to an Assembly Of God and was exposed to the tongues and slain in Spirit. Being a Baptist, I was already well grounded in the Word. I started reading through the Word searching diligently for the truth. I tried to be open but was already set up negatively. I saw in the book of Acts that they spoke in tongues but they were speaking in other men’s languages. I never saw in the scriptures where Jesus or a disciple prayed for someone and they fell down, with the exception of Ananias and Saphira…they didn’t get up. I asked a pastor once; “must I fall down when prayed for?” He answered, just give a courtesy drop. All they have to do was speak in tongues and walk!
You will experience joy unspeakable, also your glorified heavenly Body here on Earth. I have been filled with Jesus Christ Supernatural Holy Spirit fire on the inside, this is an experience John 16:7; 3:1-7; Acts 1:8; 2:1-4; chapter 10; 19:1-7; Luke 11:9-13. I have been slayed in the Holy Spirit, I would feel like I was falling in slow motion on a bed of feathers, and the feeling you cannot explain it is so beautiful. There are other things that are not written in the Bible that you might experience. I have had other supernatural experiences with Jesus Christ. I have also had experiences with Satan, and his devil worshipers. My God is a living God. Read John 21:25.
Just saw David Hernandez for the first time. Yet again, another “Man of God” worth over a million dollars. Sooooo very disappointing. Jesus said,” If you will be perfect, sell what you have, give to the poor and come, follow me”. Jesus did not live in luxury and, as far as I know, did not have a home. So many people are living cold, hungry, and even homeless. “In so much as ye have done it to one of these, the least of my brethren, ye have done it to me. You will know them by their works.”
I think it strange that people criticize that God blesses and anoints. God prospers His people who serve and love Him. That’s in the Word. But those who don’t know God criticize others by claiming it is shameful for God to prosper His people. When we are given much, we give much to others.
Money is required to fund and maintain ministries…that’s just a fact. God-ordained people can’t serve globally if they live in poverty. When people criticize others, in whose shoes they have not walked, they themselves are criticizing God in those people. It is important to know Jesus Christ and the ways of the Father and the Holy Spirit, and when you do, you won’t have an issue with the wealth of Godly men and women.
The patriarchs of the Bible were extremely wealthy men, yet people point the finger at wealthy men and women of God. Prosperity comes in all forms from God, and it isn’t a sin to be wealthy. It is a sin to be attached to the world. When Jesus spoke to the rich man who couldn’t enter the kingdom without selling all he had, He saw the man’s heart and worldliness! He was challenging those who have a love of money, not those who love and serve God! Those who are given much, have the responsibility to give and when they do, more is given because God can trust them and knows their heart is intent on Him, not riches.
Yes. This is infact very true. Thank you for saying it.
God bless you so much for this response. It is complete and I hope all those who condemn Christians for being rich will read it and they must know that the riches of the earth belong to God whose servants they are. And, thing is, the condemners are even ignorant of the work the men of God do, they can’t even walk in their shoes or fast and pray for lives, but they sit down and pen all sorts of negativity. For what, really?
God bless you David, your family, friends & Ministry! Please continue sharing your knowledge & wisdom to glorify & honor God in Jesus Mighty precious Names!!
King Solomon was the richest king of Israel and also a mighty man of God, as was his father David. God blessed him with riches because of his heart, is it so terrible for God to do that for someone else?
No. God knows what he is doing and WHY he is doing it.
Guess what!? No one is perfect and as long as you have a working relationship with one of the trinity you can dismiss the naysayers! Anyway in Australia $ 1,000,000 will only buy you a house to live in! Lol
Do you have a roof over your head, do you have clothes on your back, and food on your table??? In today’s society a million dollars is not a lot of money it’s not being rich!!! Abraham was very wealthy, and more people in the Bible. God loves a true forgiver, and you can’t beat God’ given no matter how you try, the more you give, the more He will give back to you. The scripture declares, Don’t muzzle the ox that treads out the corn. God loves a cheerful giver. I don’t believe in giving to false prophets!
Truth, David!
Pastor H,
Your humility is striking, and speaks volumes as a man of God “I am not a celebrity, but a servant”. Your name David precedes you, as truly a man after God’s own heart. Be aware of who you choose as mentors. I plead the precious blood of Christ Jesus over you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. Continue the good work and Word. Amen!
Agree. Amen.
I don’t have an issue with David being a millionaire. It’s OK for God‘s people to be very wealthy. However, I am interested in where that money is going and how the ministry is serving. There are kings who have slaves and servants in the Bible. Wealth isn’t the issue. Is money the God or Jesus?
Well asked…
David Hernandez is a gift to Soul-winning, the simple Gospel message of our Lord! I will give to a man of god, that puts 90% of donations, into the gospel message of redemption/ souls salvation gospel harvesting!
I agree, with Tiffany’s inquiry- but refuse to doubt this marvelous young evangelist, David Hernandez!
Having listened to David’s preaching, he always reminds us that our focus must be on Jesus the Lord all the time, failing to do so is; making us at risk of deception.
He is well aware and wanted to protect the church, so his church and he wanted to build their own church building and IT, a network so they may not be banned from spreading the gospel. That is where a huge majority of the money went.
Do we worry about where our hard-earned tax-paying money goes? They are a lot more people wealthier than David. You can tell who a person is by what comes out of their mouth, by their fruit. (Matthews Chapter 7)
I agree Tiffany. Where is the heart. Only God truly knows. Men are not to be put on a Pedestal so they fall. Legitimate Ministry business financials showing how donations and support are being used should be available on the website. Why would this be hidden, otherwise? I haven’t looked at David’s site yet. After watching a YouTube of David 7 days ago, I felt really touched by the message, but then at the end he asked for money and it literally bolted me out of the beautiful message.
Thank you David for the love you have for God and for reaching out to people all over the world. May God bless you and your family.
I first saw the Man of God on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, and I was glued! I followed him online ever since, and now I’ve joined Spirit Family. I’m happy and excited about the growth in my spiritual life. May the Lord continue to reveal more and help us to yield more to the Spirit of God, acknowledge Him, and be aware of His presence and leadership. Shalom.
The Holy Spirit will sort out the good from the bad in time. The Bible truth is still true despite the instrument using it. David Hernandez has a great simple way of teaching on the Holy Spirt. But with Benny Hinn in his eye as a mentor the danger of false fire is high. Know one can serve two masters, Jesus said it and it is true.
I like evangelists like Mark Finley…He and others limit their wage to be on par with an average person, like $75,000 a year. Why can’t other preacher’s find out what a living wage is, and just let the offerings of others go toward helping educate poor children or feed the needy. Jesus could have gotten rich, but for sake of an example, for sake of the gospel purity he didn’t.
Yes! That would be a pure, Godly thing to do, wouldn’t it? Love this!
I enjoy listening to David preaching God’s word, but like you, I am very concerned about him having Benny Hinn as a mentor. I too don’t begrudge David’s income, but would a true “Man of God” not use some of that vast income to sponsor his messages being broadcast to spread God’s Word instead of asking for donations?
They say David has multi-million dollars. In today’s society, it is probably about 5 to 10 million to be rich. I read, that, his Father and mother were in the ministry, and that he’s been in the ministry since he was a kid, and his first book written was at age 14, and have wrote best sellers. As long as he preached the truth, this is what counts. Because so many preachers are telling people what they want to hear, and not what God’s word says. People on here have nothing to say bad about him than that he has millions of dollars. No one here is perfect, and I’m sure if everybody else on here had a million dollars, they would think it happy and okay… I promise you!!! Lord Jesus, continue to bless David and his family. Lord Jesus continues to fill David, full of You, and your word, and Your Holy Spirit’s power on the inside. Thank you, Jesus.
I have never heard any teaching on this.
1. What do you do if God doesn’t need you anymore?
2. Do you ever ask the Holy Spirit Why when someone is called mad?
Hope you can help!
We all are instruments of God, to work through us. Have you said, to anyone lately that Jesus loves you, and He died for your sin. This is God using you, because every soul matters to him. Even when you encourage a child, this is God using you. And God never ever forgets about us, because He knows everything about us. Read : (Psalms 139). Lord Jesus take over our will, we give our will to you.
Your teachings about the Holy Spirit have been inspirational and transforming lives; my personal life included.
Thanks, Pastor Hernandez, you are a blessing from God to the world.
Keep up the good work Servant of Most High God. I love your Ministry. May Our awesome Lord use you mighty even these last hours. Be encouraged man of God. Your reward is glorious in heaven. We’re holding your hands up as in the time of Moses Servant of the Living God.We love you much! PRAISE THE LORD !
My daughter watches you. I’m a born-again Christian who gave my life to Jesus 30 years ago. I love the Lord more than anything. I did tell my daughter to be careful what she listens and watches. I told her to make sure you are only going through God’s word with everything I hear you talk about the holy spirit all the time what about Jesus. I hear you’re a great healer I want my daughter to be very careful God warns us about false prophets.
I really don’t know much about you…I just want her to be careful and to look towards God for what to believe. I will bring your ministry up to my pastor at Calvary chapel I’m sure you’ve heard of Calvary chapel since I don’t know anything about you. I want to make sure that you’re preaching the complete truth if my daughter is watching.
What did your pastor say? How is your daughter doing? I grew up in Calvary Chapel too!
Keep your eyes on Jesus. I am praying for you. Get enough sleep. Take vacations and relax. Read about Billy Graham. God is using you mightily. 2 Corinthians 2:5…God loves you very much.
I thank God for your life. Thank you for allowing God to use you so mightily. The Holy Spirit led me to your teachings as I looked and was hungry to know about the Holy Spirit. Now I want to listen to every teaching on the Holy Spirit. It is so refreshing and inspiring and I want to know more. I’m 65 years old, a believer and constantly facing challenges. Please pray for me.
Praise God, thank you, Jesus, for your servant, Pastor David for he touches the hearts of people. Thank you Pastor for your preaching, so blessed to listen. Please pray for my daughter Christine, for her salvation, healing, physical, emotional n mental health.
Your sister in Christ,
Greetings from Spore. Thanks, Pastor David Diga Hernandez. This is my first time listen to your sermons and your teaching. Praise God for your love and walk with Jesus. I spent 3 to 5 hrs worship, praying, and reading the bible. During that period, I felt the strong presence of God, aroma smell. For years, I walked with Him and felt His presence everywhere I go. I felt a river of peace, joy, and love over my being. But the fire of God is no longer the same as before.
After listening to your sermon, your life walking with the Holy Spirit, God is using you to minister to me and HS reminds and gives me the desire to go back to have intimacy with Him in lock closet. Pastor David, I feel that you are an anointed servant of God, and thanks to God for your zeal, love, and desire for Him.
Thanks for sharing God’s words on youtube, Pastor David. You are one of the powerful preachers sharing His words. Now, I am following all your teaching on YouTube. God bless u richly, abundantly, and use you globally. Amen!
Thank you Pastor David for your teachings about the Holy Spirit. How he works in our lives his nature etc. This teaching is very important because the Holy Spirit lives in us and we need to know more about him. Not many teachers teach the way you do. You go deeper into who the Holy Spirit is.
I am so thankful to God for having a teacher like you. May God bless you David in the name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost Amen
Thank you David Hernandez for you teaching on holy spirit.
1.6 million salary, that’s a lot of money.
W0W! Billy Graham never once asked people for money.
I thank God for David the man of God. I started listening to his messages for a few months and it has been a great blessing. Please pray for me and my family especially for my 2 daughters for the fulfillment of God’s promises about their calling and ministry
I’m a 59 years old Thai woman writer and translator with a having-never-gone-out fire for God since being a young woman.
I happened to tune into your TV program about one month ago and since then I’ve never stopped watching you teach and preach in order to continually stir up the same fire for God within me. A MILLION THANKS TO GOD FOR YOU!
I am so Blessed to be hooked up with the ministry of God in your life, Pastor David. It is my prayer that the LORD will end every form and cause of depression in your life in the name of Jesus. Amen. I look forward to becoming a healing revivalist that will carry the burning touch of God all the days of his and also impact people’s lives.
May God Help me.
I love you so much, God Bless You.
Hello Pastor David, I praise the Lord because he leads me to your program im always watching you on YouTube.
My family and I are so blessed to you brother God bless you more.
I’m praying for you too. Your family and your ministry.
Ever since I started to listen to you my life was never the same again. I’ve learned to become closer to the Holy Spirit.
We love you brother David! GOD BLESS YOU mOre and more power! All glory to God!
Amazing preacher, so much wisdom! I dropped other preachers as I found them worthless compared to your teachings. And your soul humble, Pastor David, you even remind people “I’m not a teacher” while everyone trying to raise themselves.
Thank you so much for your teachings…I am so blessed by just hearing them over and over again!
Thank you, Pastor David. I watch you on TV all the time. Even can’t understand English properly, but I’m so blessed. Pray for us especially we’re planning to build our church here in the Philippines. We love you and God bless you and your family. Pray for me to receive the gift of tongue. Amen
Pido por la misericordia de Jesús estar sana de quistes, miomas, tumores siento algo en mi matriz que me preocupa y quiero sanar de la hernia que tengo por la presiosisima sangre de Jesús quiero estar sana. y recuperar mi casa
I thank GOD for your minister