Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Sami Miro |
Mother / Mom | Not known |
Birthday / Sami Miro Age / Date of Birth/ Edad | February 17, 1987. As of 2025, she is around 38 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Married / Novio Engaged | Currently not married, possibly single. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
How long did Sami Miro and Zac Efron date? | Sami Miro and Zac Efron dated for less than two years between 2014 and 2016. |
Children / No. of Kids | None |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | Mixed |
Nationality | American |
Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
Sami Miro is a gorgeous model & entrepreneur, who became well-known for dating Hollywood star Zac Efron.
Introduction : Who is Sami Miro?
- Born in San Francisco, CA, Sami Mori is a free-spirited, opened-minded young woman with a love for things that are unique and unorthodox.
- She loves to travel and experience the culture of new places, having lived in 3 countries – Taiwan, Spain and USA.
- What she is most known for, however, is being the ex-girlfriend of Zac Efron. They had a relationship of two years & having traveled the world together, countries such as Japan, Mexico and Vietnam.
- Her real name is Sami Carter-Oberstone.
Sami Miro Family Details :
- Parents : Sami sees her father and brother as “the most incredible single father in the world along with the most impressive big brother.”
- Education was always priority 1 in her family – Her father has a Ph.D. in business analytics and a masters in Engineering. Her mother has a DDS degree in periodontics.
- Her brother too is a Stanford Law graduate.
- Sami chose business as her path because her father and brother inspired her.
Education : Qualifications, High School & College Info
- Sami studied at the Santa Clara University. She studied abroad in Paris and got a BA in Marketing.
- Later she Got a Masters degree in 2010 in Global Entrepreneurship. This time, she lived, worked and studied in Barcelona, Taipei and San Francisco.
Zac Efron and Sami Miro Breakup :
- In April, 2016, Sami and Zac broke up.
- The rumor for their breakup that Sami cheated on Zac while in Coachella. The cheating rumors started after Sami was spotted attending Coachella with someone other than Zac.
- Zac Efron deleted photos on Sami Miro from his Instagram account & unfollowed her on Instagram and Twitter, while Sami did not.
- He even erased pictures of when they took a trip in January 2016 to Japan and Vietnam. There’s a picture posted that spread rumors that Zac was thinking of proposing to Sami, according to HollywoodBackstage. So this surprised a lot of people when they’d suddenly broken up.
Sami Miro Height and Interesting Facts :
- Bilingual – speaks French in addition to English!
- Really loves sushi.
- State champion of Junior Gymnastics in year 2000.
The Vintage Fashion Specialist :
- Sami has a distaste for what she calls the “corporate techies,” that came to convert her birthplace of San Francisco from its other free spirits and hippies, and refuses to accept gentrification, conformity to the generalized interests of the middle-class. This is rooted in her passion for vintage fashion designing and being a creative consultant.
- In 2010 after getting her education, Sami started working for a tech startup in San Francisco, where she was part of the pre-launch and creation process.
- She traveled the world in her marketing role & ended up residing in Los Angelus in 2013, and worked there for four years. But as a free spirit, her heart did not belong to the company or her rigid role as a marketer.
- In 2014, she quit her corporate path to pursue an exploratory phase in modeling, styling and implementing her 10-years of vintage curating.
- After a year of styling her vintage collection, the media quickly pegged her as “the Queen of the Vintage.”
- In April, 2016, she launched Sami Miro Vintage where she found her inspiration, creating handmade SMV (Sami Mori Vintage) products in Los Angeles designed for both men and women.
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iI’d love to bang her repeatedly!