Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Camille Kostek |
Mother / Mom | Christina Kostek |
Birthday / How old is Camille Kostek Age / Date of Birth / DOB | February 19, 1992. As of 2025, she is around 33 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Dating / Partner / Boyfriend | Currently not married, possibly single. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Who did Camille Kostek cheer for? | Kostek cheered for the Patriots from 2013 to 2015. |
Children / No. of Kids | None |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | Mixed (Polish, Irish and Jamaican origin.) |
Nationality | American |
Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
- Camille Veronica Kostek is best known as the former Patriots Cheerleader and ex-girlfriend of professional American footballer, Rob Gronkowski, nicknamed “Gronk.”
Personal Life : Parents, Family and Education
- Camille was born on February 19, 1992, in Connecticut.
- She is the eldest of 4 siblings and grew up in Killingworth. Her other sisters are Julia Kostek and Alina Kostek. Her brother’s name is Thomas Kostek.
- Her parents are Alan Kostek and Christina Kostek. Her father is a contractor and built their family home in Killingworth.
- Her hometown did not have the middle and high school, and she had to take an hour-long bus ride to attend the Haddam-Killingworth High School. She described the town having only one stoplight and 2 gas stations.
- Since when she was young, she has developed a passion for dancing and music. Although she did not enjoy her piano lessons, she appreciates the ability to read music and learn new songs in her downtime nowadays.
- Camille took dancing classes since the age of 3 and competed nationally until she was 18.
Cheerleading Career, Salary and Net Worth
- Camille was first introduced to cheerleading for the high school cheer squad when she was only in 8th grade.
- She was team captain for her high school varsity lacrosse team. However, she gave it up to pursue her passion for dancing and cheerleading.
- She auditioned twice before she was accepted onto the Patriots Cheerleading Team where she met Rob.
- Her passion and hard work for her career as a professional dancer made her the cover girl for the swimsuit calendar trip to St. Lucia. She was also one of 4 girls selected for the NFL tour to China and Hong Kong for 2 weeks.
- She announced her leave from cheerleading in 2015 to pursue another dream in journalism and subsequently enrolled in a communications degree at the Eastern Connecticut State University.
Career, Job, Salary and Net Worth :
- Camille’s interest in Broadcast Journalism was cultivated since middle school, where she was enthusiastic about journalism class every day.
- Soon, she became a host for her school’s television news – the Morning News. She learned the basics of reporting, shooting and editing there.
- She was an anchor for her university’s news show, News22, and a fill-in anchor for Rhode Island’s morning show, The Rhode Show.
- She idolises Gulianna Ransic and Maria Menunos on their smooth reporting skills and often studies them.
- Camille was also a fitness instructor at Modern Barre in 2015 and specialises in a low impact workout called barre. Her parents met at the gym, and her mother managed World Gym while pregnant with Camille. Thus, fitness runs in the family for Camille!
Body Measurements, Height & Latest Updates :
- Currently, Camille is currently pursuing a career in modelling while reporting part-time. Her present agency is Maggie Inc., and she has landed several advertisements and commercials, such as BENRUS, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, and fitness ambassador at Equinox.
- Camille and Rob were romantically linked in 2015 and 2016, but were reported to have parted ways after that. However, they were seen attending a wedding in Arizona together in May 2017, leaving many speculations and confusion on their relationship status.
- There were also rumors of her dating American Idol Winner, Nick Fradiani in early 2016.