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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Weird in Marathi :विलक्षण(vilakshan)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • Rita had some weird dream last night. : रिताला रात्री विलक्षण स्वप्न पडले.

2. Other Meaning of Weird in Marathi :विचित्र(vichitr). In this context, Weird is used for bizarre.

Example :

  • Many weird incidents happened in that closed mine.:त्या बंद खाणी मध्ये अनेक विचित्र घटना घडतात.

3. Other Translation of Weirdin Marathi :गूढ(gudh)

Example :

  • Mr. Lal heard some weird noise outside his door. : श्री लाल यांनी त्यांच्या दरवाजा बाहेर काही गूढ आवाज ऐकले.

4. Other word form of Weird:weirdly(adverb)

Example :

  • I don’t know why Leela was behaved weirdly today. : लीला आज विचित्रपणे का वागत आहे हे मला ठाऊक नाही.

Weird Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Weird in Marathi Sentences / What does Weird Mean in Marathi

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