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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Vulnerable in Marathi :असुरक्षित(asurakshit)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • Don’t leave small kids in vulnerable places without an adult supervision. : असुरक्षित ठिकाणी लहान मुलांना प्रौढ देखरेखीशिवाय सोडू नका.

2. Other Meaning of Vulnerable in Marathi :संवेदनशील(sanvedanshil). In this context, Vulnerable is used for susceptible for hurt.

Example :

  • Radha had lost her family in tragic accident and was in vulernable condition. : राधाने एका दुर्दैवी अपघातात तिचे कुटुंब गमावले होते आणि ती संवेदनशील अवस्थेत होती.

3. Other Translation of Vulnerable in Marathi :सहज परिणाम होण्याजोगे(sahaj parinam honyajoge)

Example :

  • House was very old and was vulnerable to any climatic condition. : घर खूपच जुने होते आणि पर्यावरणीय स्थितीचा परिणाम होण्याजोगे होते.

4. Other word form of Vulnerable:vulnerability(noun)

Example :

  • Domestic violence may cause vulerability or aggresivenss in children. : कौटुंबिक हिंसा मुलांमध्ये संवेदनशीलता किंवा आक्रमकता निर्माण करू शकते.

Vulnerable Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Vulnerable in Marathi Sentences / What does Vulnerable Mean in Marathi

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