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RIP Meaning in Marathi

1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Rip in Marathi : फाडणे (Fadne)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • I will rip off his shirt : मी त्याचा शर्ट फाडेन

2. Other Meaning of RIP in Marathi : आत्म्याला शांती मिळो ( When somebody dies, you say RIP (Rest in Peace) in English. In Marathi you say “atmyala shanti milo,” literal translation is “let his/her soul rest”. Note, in this death related context, RIP is written in block letters)

Example :

  • RIP, my friend: मित्र तुझा आत्म्याला शांती मिळो

3. Other Translation of rip (somebody) off in Marathi : फसवणूक करणे (Fasavnuk Karne)

Example :

  • The shopkeeper tried to rip him off : दुकानदाराने त्याची फसवणूक करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला.

RIP Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Appreciate in Marathi Sentences

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