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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Relevant in Marathi :संबंधित(sanbandhit)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • This job is relevant to the topics discussed in earlier meeting. : हे कार्य, आधीच्या बैठकीत चर्चा केलेल्या विषयांशी संबंधित आहे.

2. Other Meaning of Relevant in Marathi :प्रासंगिक(prasangik). In this context, Relevant is used for having significance.

Example :

  • You are talking about the issue which is not relevant to this subject. : आपण या विषयाशी प्रासंगिक नसलेल्या समस्येबद्दल बोलत आहात.

3. Other Translation of Relevant in Marathi :प्रस्तुत(prastut)

Example :

  • Please show us all the relevant documents along with the application. : कृपया आम्हाला अर्जासोबत सर्व प्रस्तुत कागदपत्रे दाखवा.

4. Other word form of Relevant :relevance(noun)

Example :

  • The fame he have earned has no relevance with his talent. : त्याने मिळवलेल्या प्रसिद्धीचा त्याच्या प्रतिभेशी काहीही संबंध नाही.

Relevant Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Relevant in Marathi Sentences / What does Relevant Mean in Marathi

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