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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Pleasure in Marathi :आनंद(aanand)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • It is my pleasure that I could help you in this situation. : या परिस्थितीत मी तुमची मदत करू शकतो, ह्याचा मला आनंद आहे.

2. Other Meaning of Pleasure in Marathi :सुख(sukh). In this context, Pleasure is used for enjoyment.

Example :

  • Everyone seeks for the pleasure but they don’t bother to seek for the peace. : प्रत्येकजण सुखाची मागणी करतात पण शांती मिळवण्याची त्यांना चिंता नसते.

3. Other Translation of Pleasure in Marathi :इच्छा(ichchha)

Example :

  • Don’t worry the servant will do as your pleasure. : काळजी करू नका, नोकर आपल्या इच्छेप्रमाणे काम करेल.

4. Other word form of Pleasure:pleasurable(adjective)

Example :

  • The trip to Banglore was pleasurable and memorable. : बंगलोरचा प्रवास सुखद आणि संस्मरणीय होता.

Pleasure Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Pleasure in Marathi Sentences / What does Pleasure Mean in Marathi

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