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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Optimistic in Marathi :आशावादी(aashavadi)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • I am very optimistic about the job interview I have today. : मी आजच्या नोकरीच्या मुलाखतीबद्दल खूप आशावादी आहे.

2. Other Meaning of Optimistic in Marathi :सकारात्मक(sakaratmak). In this context, Optimistic is used for feeling positively.

Example :

  • Sarita’s optimistic behavior help her to keep calm in difficult situations. : सरिताच्या सकारात्मक वर्तनाने तिला कठीण परिस्थितीत शांत राहण्यास मदत होते.

3. Other Translation of Optimistic in Marathi :विश्वास असणे(vishvas asane)

Example :

  • Ratan is optimistic that she will complete her graduation this year. : रतनला विश्वास आहे की यावर्षी त्याची पदवी पूर्ण होईल.

4. Other word form of Optimistic:optimistically(adverb)

Example :

  • Piyush was waiting for his call latter optimistically for past four days. : पियुष गेल्या चार दिवसांपासून आशेने नोकरीवर रुजू होण्याच्या पत्राची प्रतीक्षा करत आहे.

Optimistic Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Optimistic in Marathi Sentences / What does Optimistic Mean in Marathi

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