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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Issue in Marathi : अंक (ank)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • Did you got Reader’s digest issue of this month?: या महिन्याचा रीडर्स डायजेस्टचा अंक तुला मिळाला का?

2. Other Meaning of Issue in Marathi : समस्या (samasya). In this context, Issue is used for problem.

Example :

  • Sarita wanted to do somthing about woman’s health issue. : स्त्रियांच्या आरोग्यविषयक समस्येबद्दल सरिदा काही करु इच्छित होती.

3. Other Translation of Issue in Marathi : देणे (dene)

Example :

  • King issued an order that all the people will help to build the dam. : राजाने आदेश दिला की सर्व लोक धरण बांधण्यास मदत करतील.

4. Other word form of Issue: issuer (noun)

Example :

  • The issuer of this noticed knew how it will affect every employee. : या नोटिसच्या जारीकर्त्याला हे माहित होते की हे प्रत्येक कर्मचा-यावर कसे परिणाम करेल.

Issue Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Issue in Marathi Sentences / What does Issue Mean in Marathi

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