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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Isolated in Marathi : अलग (alag)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • The mixture is not for eating so keep it on isolated place. : हे मिश्रण खाण्यासाठी नाही म्हणून ते अलग ठिकाणी ठेवा.

2. Other Meaning of Isolated in Marathi : वेगळ्या(veglya). In this context, Isolated is used for separated from all other things.

Example :

  • He decided to build his house on isolated land. : त्याने वेगळ्या जागेवर स्वतःचे घर बांधण्याचे ठरवले.

3. Other Translation of Isolated in Marathi : दूर असलेले (dur aslele)

Example :

  • The isolated house at the end of the street is haunted. : रस्त्याच्या शेवटीचे दूर असलेले घर झपाटलेले आहे.

4. Other word form of Isolated: isolate (verb)

Example :

  • Komal knew that Seema is isolating her from other friends. : कोमलला माहित होते की सीमा इतर मैत्रिणींपासून तिला दूर ठेवत आहे.

Isolated Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Isolated in Marathi Sentences / What does Isolated Mean in Marathi

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