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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Influence in Marathi :वर्चस्व(varchasv)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • Under the influence of King Dharmveer the kingdom grew prosprous day by day. : राजा धर्मवीर यांच्या वर्चस्वाखाली राजे दिवसेंदिवस वाढू लागले.

2. Other Meaning of Influence in Marathi :प्रभाव(prabhav). In this context, Influence is used as capacity to affect something or someone.

Example :

  • You should take your decision carefully as they will influence your future. : तुमचे निर्णय काळजीपूर्वक घ्या कारण ते तुमच्या भविष्यावर प्रभाव टाकतील.

3. Other Translation of Influence in Marathi :पगडा(pagda)

Example :

  • Don’t blame Rahul he is under the infulence of evil witch. : राहुलला दोष देऊ नका, तो दुष्ट चेटकिणीच्या पगड्याखाली आहे.

4. Other word form of Influence:Influential(adjective)

Example :

  • Sharad has very influential friends in the organisation, but he does not take advantage of them. : शरदचे संस्थेमध्ये खूप प्रभावशाली मित्र आहेत पण तो त्यांचा फायदा घेत नाहीत.

Influence Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Influence in Marathi Sentences / What does Influence Mean in Marathi

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