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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Credit in Marathi : पत (pat)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • These fabrics are of good credit and durable. : ह्या कापडाची पत चांगली आणि टिकाऊ आहे.

2. Other Meaning of Credit in Marathi : श्रेय (shreya). In this context, Credit is used for deserving praise.

Example :

  • He gave all the credit of his success to his parents and teachers. : त्यांनी आपल्या यशाचे श्रेय त्यांच्या पालक आणि शिक्षकांना दिले.

3. Other Translation of Credit in Marathi : उधारी(udhari)

Example :

  • Raj brought the shirt on credit as usual. : राज नेहमीप्रमाणेच शर्ट उधारीवर आणला.

4. Other word form of Credit: creditable (adjective)

Example :

  • You cannot deny that his hardwork is really creditable. : तुम्ही त्याची कष्ट खरोखरच प्रशंसनीय असल्याचं नाकारू शकत नाही.

Credit Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Credit in Marathi Sentences / What does Credit Mean in Marathi

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