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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Conviction in Marathi :पक्की खात्री (pakki khatri)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • Ravi slept with conviction that everything will be alright tomorrow.:रवी पक्क्या खात्रीने झोपला कि उद्या सर्व काही ठीक होईल.

2. Other Meaning of Conviction in Marathi :दोषी म्हणून निवाडा (doshi mhanun nivada). In this context, Conviction is used for formal declaration that someone is found guilty of criminal offense.

Example :

  • New manager has conviction for harrasement.:नवीन मॅनेजर छळ करण्यासाठी दोषी म्हणून सिद्ध झाला आहे.

3. Other Translation of Convictionin Marathi :विश्वास(vishvas)

Example :

  • Grandmother has strong conviction that the house next to ours is haunted.:आजीला नक्की विश्वास आहे कि आमच्या बाजूचे घर झपाटलेले आहे.

4. Other word form of Conviction:convicted(verb)

Example :

  • Mr. Verma was convicted on the base of evidences. : श्री.वर्मा यांना पुराव्याच्या आधारे शिक्षा झाली.

Conviction Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Conviction in Marathi Sentences / What does Conviction Mean in Marathi

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