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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Awesome in Marathi :अप्रतिम(apratim)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • The sunset in Mahabaleshvar is awesome sight.:महाबळेश्वरमधील सूर्यास्त अप्रतिम दृश्य आहे.

2. Other Meaning of Awesome in Marathi :भीतीदायक(bhitidayak). In this context, Awesome is used for frightening aapearance.

Example :

  • The shark had a mouth with awesome sets of sharp teeths.:शार्क माश्याला भीतीदायक अश्या तीक्ष्ण दातांच्या रांगा होत्या.

3. Other Translation of Awesome in Marathi :स्तिमित करणारे(stimit karnare)

Example :

  • One of the awsome painting by Leonardo is ‘The Last Supper.’:लिओनार्डोच्या स्तिमित करणाऱ्या चित्रांपैकी एक आहे ‘द लास्ट सपर.’

4. Other word form of Awesome:Awesomely(Adverb)

Example :

  • That player played awesomely in his last game.:तो खेळाडू त्याच्या शेवटच्या खेळात उत्तम रीतीने खेळला.

Awesome Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Awesome in Marathi Sentences / What does Awesome Mean in Marathi

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