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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Assessment in Marathi :मूल्यांकन(mulyankan)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • Before renovating our house we did some assessment of repair need to be done. : आमच्या घराचा जीर्णोद्धार करण्यापूर्वी आम्ही दुरुस्तीचे काही मूल्यांकन केले.

2. Other Meaning of Assessment in Marathi :मोजमाप(mojmap). In this context, Assessment is used for evaluation.

Example :

  • After the risk assessment is done the plan will be presented in front of director. : जोखीम मोजमाप झाल्यानंतर योजना संचालकांसमोर सादर केली जाईल.

3. Other Translation of Assessment in Marathi :मूल्यनिर्धारण(mulynirdharan)

Example :

  • Ramlal did the assessment of all his gold before putting it in bank locker. : रामलाल यांनी बँकेच्या लॉकरमध्ये ठेवण्याआधी त्यांच्या सर्व सोन्याचे मूल्यनिर्धारण केले.

4. Other word form of Assessment :assess(verb)

Example :

  • This test will assess your technical skills and knowledge. : ही चाचणी तुमच्या तांत्रिक कौशल्ये आणि ज्ञानाचे मूल्यांकन करेल.

Assessment Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Assessment in Marathi Sentences / What does Assessment Mean in Marathi

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