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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Appear in Marathi : दिसणे (disane)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • It appears that she had lot of shoes. : असे दिसण्यात येते आहे की तिच्याकडे खूप चपला आहेत.

2. Other Meaning of Appear in Marathi : उमटणे (umatane). In this context, Appear is used for to be visible.

Example :

  • An image appear on the TV screen when it was switch on. : टीव्ही चालू केला की पडद्यावर प्रतिमा उमटते.

3. Other Translation of Appear in Marathi : अवतरणे (avatarane)

Example :

  • After a long hour of waiting, finally, the Chief Guest appeared. : बऱ्याच तासांच्या प्रतीक्षेनंतर मुख्य अतिथी अवतरले.

4. Other word form of Appear: Appearance (noun)

Example :

  • My mom said, “Never judge anyone from his appearance.”: माझी आई म्हणाली, “कोणाच्याही चेहऱ्यावरुन त्यांना पारखू नका.”

Appear Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Appear in Marathi Sentences / What does Appear Mean in Marathi

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