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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Anxiety in Marathi :चिंता(chinta)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • Mrs. Khanna started meditating since she recognized her anxiety issue. : श्रीमती खन्ना यांनी जेव्हा त्यांची चिंतेची समस्या ओळखली तेव्हापासून ध्यानधारणा सुरु केली.

2. Other Meaning of Anxiety in Marathi :काळजी(kalji). In this context, Anxiety is used for feeling of worry.

Example :

  • She tried to be brave but couldn’t hide her anxiety. : तिने धाडसी बनण्याचा प्रयत्न केला पण ती तिची काळजी लपवू शकली नाही.

3. Other Translation of Anxiety in Marathi :हुरहुर(hurhur)

Example :

  • Amar has a lot of anxiety about his IIT results which will be declared today. : अमरला त्याच्या आयआयटीच्या निकालाविषयी खूप हुरहुर आहे जे आज जाहीर होणार आहे.

4. Other word form of Anxiety :anxious(adjective)

Example :

  • The team was anxious to play in front of huge crowd for the first time. : पहिल्यांदाच प्रचंड गर्दी समोर खेळताना टीम चिंताक्रांत होती.

Anxiety Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Anxiety in Marathi Sentences / What does Anxiety Mean in Marathi

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