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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Angel in Marathi : देवदूत (devdut)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • He was sure he saw an angel in his dreams. : त्याला खात्री होती की त्याने स्वप्नात देवदूताला पहिले.

2. Other Meaning of Angel in Marathi : दयाळू व्यक्ती (dayalu vyakti). In this context, Angel is used for kind person.

Example :

  • Sheela was such an angel – She worked hard to help poor people. : शीला इतकी दयाळू होती की ती गरीब लोकांना मदत करण्यासाठी कष्ट करत असे.

3. Other Translation of Angel in Marathi :महात्मा(mahatma)

Example :

  • He was no angel to donate his wealth to the charity. : त्याची संपत्ती दान करण्यास तो काही महात्मा नव्हता.

4. Other word form of Angel:Angelic(adjective)

Example :

  • Prince was stunned to see the angelic beauty in the forest. : जंगलातील दैवी सौंदर्य पाहून राजकुमाराला आश्चर्य वाटले.

Angel Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Angel in Marathi Sentences / What does Angel Mean in Marathi

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