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1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Ambiguity in Marathi : संदिग्धता (sandigdhata)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • He speak about non-violence but his actions show ambiguity. : अहिंसेच्या बाबतीत ते बोलतात पण त्यांच्या कृतीमधे संदिग्धता दिसून येते.

2. Other Meaning of Ambiguity in Marathi :द्व्यर्थीपणा (dvyarthipane). In this context, Ambiguity is used for uncertainty.

Example :

  • Priya chose her words carefully to avoid ambiguity. : द्व्यर्थीपणा टाळण्यासाठी प्रियाने काळजीपूर्वक तिच्या शब्दांची निवड केली.

3. Other Translation of Ambiguity in Marathi : अस्पष्टता (aspashtata)

Example :

  • Ambiguity of this language makes it hard to interpret it correctly. : या भाषेच्या अस्पष्टतेमुळे ती योग्यरितीने विश्लेषित करणे कठीण बनते.

4. Other word form of Ambiguity:Ambiguous(adjective)

Example :

  • Don’t trust his promises, they are often ambiguous. : तुम्ही त्याच्या आश्वासनांवर विश्वास ठेवू नका, ती बरेचदा संदिग्ध असतात.

Ambiguity Meaning in Marathi Language | Usage & Translate Ambiguity in Marathi Sentences / What does Ambiguity Mean in Marathi

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