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Guess Meaning in Hindi | Guess का अर्थ व प्रयोग

1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Guess in Hindi : अनुमान (Anumaan)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • I guess this is the end of the road. : मेरा अनुमान है कि यह सड़क का अंत है।

2. Other Meaning of Guess in Hindi : अंदाज़ा लगाना (Andaza Lagana). In this context, Guess has the same meaning as suppose.

Guess का मतलब / Example :

  • I guess the fort is at least 1000 years old. : मेरा अंदाज़ा है कि यह किला कम से कम एक हज़ार साल पुराना है।

3. Other Translation of Guess in Hindi : जान लेना (Jaan Lena)

Example :

  • He guessed the answer quickly. : उसने जल्दी से उत्तर जान लिया।

4. Verb (क्रिया) form of Guess : Guessing
Example :

  • They kept guessing the answers to the riddle. : वे पहेली का उत्तर ढूँढ़ते रहे।

Guess Meaning in Hindi Language | Usage & Translate Guess in Hindi Sentences/ What does Guess Mean in Hindi

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