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Expect Meaning in Hindi | Expect का अर्थ व प्रयोग

1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Expect in Hindi : आशा करना (Asha Karna)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • I expect to make a mark in the music industry. : मैं आशा करती हूँ की मैं संगीत उद्योग में नाम कमाऊंगी।

2. Other Meaning of Expect in Hindi : प्रतीक्षा करना (Prateeksha Karna). In this context, Expect has the same meaning as waiting for.

Expect का मतलब / Example :

  • We are expecting guests today. : हम अपने मेहमानों की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं।

3. Other Translation of Expect in Hindi : राह देखना (Rah Dekhna)

Example :

  • I have been expecting you for a long time. : मैं बहुत दिनों से तुम्हारी राह देख रही थी।

4. Verb (क्रिया) form of Expect : Expected
Example :

  • I expected you to come in the evening. : मैं तुम्हारे शाम को आने की आशा कर रहा था।

Expect Meaning in Hindi Language | Usage & Translate Expect in Hindi Sentences/ What does Expect Mean in Hindi

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