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Destiny Meaning in Hindi

1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Destiny in Hindi : नियति (Niyati)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • The coach said that the destiny of the team is in the hands of the players. : कोच ने कहा कि टीम की नियति खिलाड़ियों के हाथों में है।

2. Other Meaning of Destiny in Hindi : भाग्य (Bhagya). In this context, Destiny has the same meaning as future.

Destiny का मतलब / Example :

  • We don’t know what our destiny has on hold for us. : हमें नहीं पता है कि हमारे भाग्य में हमारे लिए क्या लिखा है।

3. Other Translation of Destiny in Hindi : किस्मत (Kismat)

Example :

  • You can’t change your destiny. : आप अपनी किस्मत बदल नहीं सकते ।

4. Plural (बहुवचन) form of Destiny : Destinies

Example :

  • We should be the masters of our own destinies. : हमें स्वयं अपनी नियति के स्वामी होने चाहिए।

Destiny Meaning in Hindi Language | Usage & Translate Destiny in Hindi Sentences/ What does Destiny Mean in Hindi

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