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Crave Meaning in Hindi

1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Crave in Hindi : लालसा (Laalsa)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • You should not crave for material things. : आपको भौतिक चीज़ों के लिए लालसा नहीं करना चाहिए।

2. Other Meaning of Crave in Hindi : उत्कट इच्छा करना (Utkat Iccha Karna). In this context, Crave has the same meaning as longing for.

Crave का मतलब / Example :

  • She craved chocolates. : उसे चॉकलेट खाने की उत्कट इच्छा हो रही थी।

3. Other Translation of Crave in Hindi : लालायित होना (Lalayit Hona)

Example :

  • I crave to have a designer bag. : मैं एक डिज़ाइनर बैग के लिए लालायित हूँ।

4. Verb (क्रिया) form of Crave : Craving

Example :

  • I was craving for some spicy food. : मैं कुछ मसालेदार भोजन के लिए तरस रहा था।

Crave Meaning in Hindi Language | Usage & Translate Crave in Hindi Sentences/ What does Crave Mean in Hindi

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