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Converge Meaning in Hindi

1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Converge in Hindi : मिलना (Milna)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • The two plates converged to meet each other. : दो टेक्टोनिक प्लेट्स एक दूसरे से मिल गयी ।

2. Other Meaning of Converge in Hindi : एक ओर झुकना (Ek ore jhukna). In this context, Converge has the same meaning as tilt.

Converge का मतलब / Example :

  • The bus started converging towards the left. : बस बाईं ओर झुकने लगी।

3. Other Translation of Converge in Hindi : एक बिंदु की ओर जाना (Ek Bindu Ki Ore Jaana)

Example :

  • The arrows converged into the same direction. : तीर एक ही बिंदु की ओर चले गए।

4. Verb (क्रिया) form of Converge : Converges

Example :

  • This road converges towards the left. : सड़क बाएं ओर की ओर मुड़ जाती है।

Converge Meaning in Hindi Language | Usage & Translate Converge in Hindi Sentences/ What does Converge Mean in Hindi

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