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Compliance Meaning in Hindi

1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Compliance in Hindi : अनुसार (Anusaar)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • One must work in compliance with the authorities. : हमें अधिकारिओं के अनुसार काम करना चाहिए ।

2. Other Meaning of Compliance in Hindi : अनुमति (Anumati). In this context, Compliance means the same as permission.

Compliance का मतलब / Example :

  • Compliance must be taken from the people in power. : हमें अपने अधिकारियों से अनुमति लेनी चाहिए।

3. Other Translation of Compliance in Hindi : अनुपालन (Anupaalan)

Example :

  • Compliance of the rules is necessary. : नियमों का अनुपालन आवश्यक है।

4. Noun/Plural (संज्ञा / बहुवचन) form of Compliance : Compliances

Example :

  • A good employee is one who compliances with the rules. : एक अच्छा कर्मचारी वह है जो नियमों का पालन करता है।

Compliance Meaning in Hindi Language | Usage & Translate Compliance in Hindi Sentences/ What does Compliance Mean in Hindi

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