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Competitive Meaning in Hindi

1. Primary (mostly used) Meaning of Competitive in Hindi : प्रतिस्पर्धी (Pratispardhi)

How to Use in Sentence Example :

  • Over friendliness with the opposite team kills the competitive spirit. : विपरीत टीम के साथ मित्रता पर प्रतिस्पर्धी भावना को मारता है।

2. Other Meaning of Competitive in Hindi : बराबरी का (Barabari Ka). In this context, Competitive means the same as economical/equal.

Competitive का मतलब / Example :

  • Our new product will be competitive in the international market. : हमारा नया उत्पाद अंतरराष्ट्रीय बाजार में बराबरी का होगा।

3. Other Translation of Competitive in Hindi : मुकाबले की (Mukaable Ki)

Example :

  • He placed a competitive bid to buy the house. : उन्होंने घर खरीदने के लिए मुकाबले की बोली लगाई।

4. Noun (संज्ञा) form of Competitive : Competitiveness

Example :

  • The competitiveness between the telecom companies has increased over time. : दूरसंचार कंपनियों के बीच प्रतिस्पर्धा में वृद्धि हुई है।

Competitive Meaning in Hindi Language | Usage & Translate Competitive in Hindi Sentences/ What does Competitive Mean in Hindi

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