Personal Details Summary | |
Name | Mark Geragos |
Birthday / How old is Mark Geragos Age / Date of Birth / DOB | October 5, 1957. As of 2025, he is around 68 years old. |
Wedding / Mark Geragos Wife / Marriage | No confirmed information is available. |
Children / No. of Kids | No confirmed information is available. |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | American |
Who did Mark Geragos represent? | He obtained national attention after representing Susan McDougal, an ex-business partner of Bill Clinton, who was found guilty of Whitewater. |
Biography Profile / Fees & Settlements
Introduction :
Mark Geragos is known in America as a ‘Celebrity Lawyer,’ and has defended the likes of Chris Brown, Colin Kaepernick, Scottie Pippen, Winona Ryder and Michael Jackson.
Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :
- Mark was born on October 5, 1957, in Los Angeles, California.
- Born into a somewhat wealthy family, from a young age Mark was pushed by his parents to follow a career in academics.
- His family hailed from Armenia, and had moved to the US in the early 1900’s.
Education : Qualifications, High School & College Info
- Mark attended the Flintridge Preparatory School in La Canada and graduated with from his senior year as the top of the class.
- From there he attended Haverford College. He graduated from there with a double major in anthropology and sociology in 1979.
- On the back of his success at Haverford, he was accepted into the Loyola Law School from which he graduated with his Juris Doctorate in 1982.
Mark Geragos Net Worth & Profession :
- Geragos was admitted to the California State Bar in 1983, a year after his graduation from Loyola.
- He then set about creating his own criminal defence law firm, which would eventually become “The Law Firm of Geragos and Geragos,” of which he is the managing partner as of 2017.
- The firm handles civil litigation as well as criminal defence.
- Aside from his career as a lawyer, Mark has appeared on numerous television shows and podcasts to discuss legal issues.
- Since 2013, he has been a sporadic guest on the Adam Carolla Show, to give advice on whatever the current legal drama is that is happening in the pop culture world.
- He has also filled in for the shows co-host Dr Drew in 2015, a move that won him praise from critics.
Biggest Mark Geragos Clients :
- Mark has been labelled the ‘celebrity lawyer’ due to his tendency to work with powerful stars and their legal issues.
- He was the defense lawyer for Chris Brown when he was charged with the assault of former girlfriend Rihanna.
- In 2002, he defended actress Winona Ryder over her shoplifting allegations.
- At one time, he was involved with defending both Michael Jackson against his molestation charges and Scott Peterson over the murder of his wife and their unborn child.
- Eventually he was dropped by Jackson, as he felt that Geragos was stretched too thin to win his case. He was also unsuccessful with the Scott Peterson case when Peterson was sentenced to death.
- He has also handled cases for the family of David Carradine, NASCAR driver Jeremy Mayfield, and the brother of former President Bill Clinton.
Awards and Recognition :
He has won numerous awards throughout his career, but the most notable include :
- The 2004 Professional of the Year by the Armenian Professional Society.
- The 2006 Attorney of the Year by the California Lawyer magazine.
- The 1999 Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Los Angeles Criminal Courts Bar Association.