Education / Qualification
– LL.B from Sagar University, Sagar, M.P. in 1963.
– S.S.L.C. from Coles Memorial Junior College, Kurnool in 1954.
Other Info Caste / Height Telugu. His height isContact Info, Mobile and Office
Contact Address Office / Home : R/o H. no. 9-281-1, Gandhi Nagar, Dhone Town, Kurnool Dist.
Contact Number / Phone No : 9989844545
Email ID :
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Biography / Bio / Wikipedia Profile Information
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Mr Krishna Murthy,
I am one of those who were benefited from the goodness of the late Kambhalapati Madan Guru
K B Narasappa had involved me in business and thrown me out in Kurnool
Mr Madan Garu came home and promised us that
No one will touch you ,Ramchandran
My grandfather was late o Lakshmana Swamy barrister Kurnool and he had helped your father
You know Pathan cool drinks son who opened the evening centre
Gulam was your good friend
In Bangalore, you had visited us to consult your horoscope with our friend
That is how I know today is your birthday
God bless you
K N Ramachander