Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Natalie Halcro |
Sister | Stephanie Halcro |
Birthday / Date of Birth / How old is Natalie Halcro Age | February 2, 1988. As of 2025, she is around 37 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Engaged / Spouse / Partner | Currently not married, possibly single. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
How is Olivia Pierson and Natalie Halcro related? | They are not only business partners, but cousins as well. |
Children / No. of Kids | None |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | Canadian |
Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
- Smoking hot Canadian model, fashion blogger and reality TV star, Natalie Halcro rose to fame through her YouTube Channel and Instagram page & is widely known as the ex-girlfriend of NFL player Shaun Phillips.
- This dark-haired beauty has walked the catwalk in London, Paris, Cape Town and Milan & became a familiar face on the E! Network series Wives and Girlfriends.
Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :
- Born on February 2, 1988, Halcro grew up in British Columbia, Canada with her parents and two siblings – A brother, Joel Halcro and sister, Stephanie Halcro.
- Her father, Jim, was a firefighter for 30 years.
- She still spends the Christmas holidays with her family every year.
- When Natalie’s modelling career took off, she went to live in New York for seven years, before moving to LA.
Relationships : Natalie Halcro and Shaun Phillips :
- Natalie met her longterm boyfriend, Shaun Phillips & moved in together in 2012.
- It is not clear when exactly they began dating & in 2016 it seemed they were going through a rocky “on-and-off” patch.
- Reportedly, the celebrity couple is back together again and there are even rumors of a wedding in the pipeline.
Journey to an Online Sensation :
- Together with her cousin and co-star of WAGS, Olivia Pierson, Natalie runs a fashion blog titled with their maternal grandparents surname, Jerome.
- In March 2015, the pair also launched a fashion and beauty YouTube channel which gained nearly 2.5 million subscribers within 2 years of opening.
- On the channel, the pair posts tips and tutorials for hair and makeup and casual chat videos.
- She also has large followings on both Twitter (now called X) & Instagram where she frequently post steamy shots in curve hugging outfits and swimsuits, often posing alongside her cousin.
Reality TV Star :
- In 2015 Natalie joined the cast of Wives and Girlfriends (WAGS), an E! Network show following the lives of famous sportsmen’s better halves.
- She joined in season one & returned to TV once more in 2017 with 4 the Love Sessions, a show on KNEKT TV that features individuals from the fashion, entertainment & music industry.
Career as a Model, Body Measurements & Height :
- Natalie began modeling at the age of 12.
- A natural talent, by the age of 16 she was signed with the brand NEXT.
- Since then she has done advertisements for Old Navy, Mazda, Nissan and Marshalls and fronted beauty campaigns for Salon Graphics, Nike, Khol, Marcy’s and La Senza.
- While in New York Natalie was signed with Major Models Management.
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