Personal Details Summary | |
Name | Nicola Robinson Evans |
Birthday / How old is Nicola Robinson Age | As of 2025, she is around 48 years old. |
Wedding / Husband / Dating / Marriage / Partner | Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Children / No. of Kids | None |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | New Zealand |
Is Pete Evans still married to Nikki Watson? | Following the divorce from his first wife, he is married to Nicola Robinson, formerly known as Nicky Watson. |
Wiki Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
Nicola Robinson is a former glamour model, who is now more well-known as a health advocate and for her marriage to Chef Pete Evans.
Nicola Robinson Wiki & Public Image :
- Nicola was initially known as Nicky Watson & was well-known for her glamour modelling career and for being a social butterfly.
- Born in Christchurch, New Zealand, she developed a reputation from the age of 15 onwards for being a party girl.
- At the age of 18, she began appearing in adult magazines, and was hired as a promotion model for adult entertainment expos.
- In 2006, she tried to dispel rumours about her being a socialite and what she called a ‘floozy’ by appearing in 20/20 episode titled ‘Nicky Watson – The Naked Truth’ on NZTV. However, it was considered a failure, with critics labelling her trashy for her behaviour on the show.
- Around 2008, she had a change of heart for the image she had been portraying to the public and decided to retire from public life to live in Pukekohe and be closer to her mum Gail Robinson. She also worked at a natural health spa during that time.
Dating Life & Relationships :
- Prior to her marriage to Evans in 2016, Nicola was married to businessman Eric Watson, who was considered the 21st richest person in New Zealand.
- From 2001 to 2002, she was linked to Rugby star Matthew Ridge.
- In 1994 she dated the then unknown-actor Martin Henderson, who has gone on to star in Greys Anatomy.
- She has also linked once with professional dancer Brendan Cole.
Nicola Robinson Pete Evans Married Life :
- Nicole began dating celebrity Chef Pete Evans in 2011. He is mostly known for his program My Kitchen Rules. Peter Evans first wife was Sarah Wilson, a chocolate store owner.
- Robinson and Evans eventually married on their NSW farm in 2016.
- She acts as a stepmother to his two daughters from his previous marriage – Indii Evans and Chilli Evans.
Pete Evans Paleo Recipes & Meals Controversy :
- In the past years, Evans has been criticised for promoting a controversial paleo lifestyle, and it has been reported he learnt about this from Robinson.
- Nicole also promoted the views that Paleo can cure autism and that people should swap their daily coffees for a bone broth, as well as other controversial opinions on the benefit of a paleo lifestyle.
- Evans relayed her views on a controversial news program in 2017, and was subsequently slammed for them.
- She has also been criticised for promoting a healthy, non-toxic lifestyle while she has Botox and fillers in her face, including 3 breast augmentation surgeries.
- She has fired back at critics stating she had that work done at a vulnerable time in her life and made plans to remove her fake breasts in late 2017.
- While appearing on Sunday Night in 2018, she quoted ‘that the implants were making her sick’ & shared her relief and gratitude on having them removed.
Social Media, Height, Body & Looks :
- Nicola used to run the Instagram account @nicolarobinsonevans, which at one point of time had 40,000+ followers.