Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Ladd Drummond |
Mother / Mom | Nan Drummond |
Siblings | He had two brothers (One of them died in car accident) |
Birthday / How old is Ladd Drummond Age / Date of Birth / DOB | January 22, 1969. As of 2025, he is around 56 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Wife / Engaged / Girlfriend | Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Did Ladd Drummond have an accident? | In March 2021, Ladd had been racing to fight a fire near the property when he was involved in a head-on collision with his nephew Caleb. |
Children / No. of Kids | 4 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | Scottish-American |
Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
- Ladd Alexander Drummond is a fourth-generation rancher and co-owner of the Drummond Land & Cattle Company in Pawhuska, Oklahoma.
- Ranching has been in Ladd’s family for over 100 years, beginning with his great-great-great grandfather Frederick’s emigration to the United States from Scotland.
Family Tree : Parents & Married Life
- Ladd was born in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, on January 22, 1969. Although he briefly left Oklahoma to attend college, he returned to the state and now lives in his childhood home with his wife and kids.
- After meeting his wife Ree (celebrity television chef and award-winning blogger “The Pioneer Woman”) in an Oklahoma country bar, he waited four months before asking her out on their first date.
- They married in 1996, honeymooned in Australia, and now have four children together – Alex Drummond, 28; Paige Drummond, 25; Bryce Drummond, 22; and Tom Drummo, 21 (ages as of 2025).
- Brothers : Tragedy struck the Drummond family when Ladd’s oldest brother Todd O. was killed in a car accident when he was just 19 years old. Tim Drummond, the middle of the three brothers – is another co-owner of the Drummond Land & Cattle Company and a regular feature on Ree’s blog.
Early Life and Education :
- From a very early age, Ladd’s parents – his mother Nan (deceased) and his father Chuck raised him to love the ranching lifestyle. He was given chores to do around the ranch – often starting before the sun came up. This tradition has continued with his own children who regularly help out doing manual labor, and even driving trucks and operating machinery.
- Drummond grew up in Pawhuska, where there is only one high school – aptly named Pawhuska High School.
- He went to college at Arizona State University (ASU) and remains a devoted football fan of his alma mater team ‘Sun Devils.’ In fact, he even stepped out during his own wedding reception to watch ASU beat Nebraska.
Career, Job, Salary and Net Worth :
- In 2013, the Modern Farmer magazine listed the Drummonds as the 17th largest landowners in the country, with over 433,000 acres spanning over 675 square miles. In 2016, the LandReport magazine listed them at #23.
- In addition to running one of the most successful cattle ranches in the country, Ladd breeds and trains Quarter Horses and competes cutting horse competitions and rodeos around the country.
- Although he is described as “quiet and soft-spoken” by his wife, he often contributes ideas for posts to her blog and even makes guest appearance on her cooking show.
Fun Facts, Height and Trivia :
- As a wedding present, Ladd gave his wife Ree a diesel lawn mower.
- His great-grandfather attended Harvard Business School, and his grandfather attended Stanford University.
- Aside from his love for ranching and football, Ladd is a self-proclaimed movie buff and date nights with Ree often include Netflix – although he does not like binge watching.
- In 2011, the Drummond Land & Cattle Company won the championship at the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association Range Round-up. Ladd was named the “Tough Hand” of the competition – an honor awarded to the cowboy that showed the most grit.
- To his wife’s fans and followers, Ladd is more commonly known as “Marlboro Man.”
- In early 2021, during an accident on his ranch, Ladd broke his neck in two places – while the first fracture was repaired surgically, for the second fracture he had to wear a neck brace 24/7 for quick healing.
So are we ever going to find out how he got the name Ladd?
The birthday you have listed is ree drummonds birthday. His birthday is listed elsewhere as March 3, ???