Personal Details Summary | |
Name | Kayte Walsh |
Birthday / Age / Date of Birth / How old is Kayte Walsh | Born in 1980-81. As of 2025, she is around 44 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Boyfriend / Fiance | Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Children / No. of Kids | 3 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | British |
Did Kelsey Grammer and Kayte Walsh get married? | Kelsey Grammer and Kayte Walsh have been married since 2011 and share three children together. |
Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
Kayte Walsh is now known as Kayte Grammer. She shot to fame after being found to be the ‘other woman’ at the centre of veteran actor Kelsey Grammer’s divorce.
Personal Life : Parents, Family and Education
- Walsh comes from Hartlepool, England.
- Family : She comes from a famous football family. She is the daughter of father Alan Walsh, who played for Bristol City and the sister of Phil Walsh who currently plays for League One side Dagenham & Redbridge F.C..
- Aside from her brother, she also has a younger sister named Sophie Walsh who she considers her best friend.
- She has previously worked as a stewardess for Virgin Atlantic airlines, and regularly flew the London-New York route.
Meeting Kelsey Grammer and Marriage :
- It was while she was working as a stewardess that she met future husband, famed actor Kelsey Grammer. The only problem was that at the time he was currently still happily married to former Playboy model Camille Grammer.
- The couple met while on a flight back to New York, and it is said that after Kelsey heard she had a few days break in New York he invited her to stay with him.
- When asked about the origins of their relationship during an interview with Oprah, Kayte has stated that she regrets how their relationship began and that she wishes she had done things differently.
Kelsey’s First Marriage with Camille Grammer :
- Camille asked for a divorce from Kelsey, after being informed that there was a “Mrs Grammer” staying in her New York apartment with Kelsey, while in fact, she was still in Los Angeles. Her discovery was filmed for the reality show “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.”
- Shortly after that, it was discovered that Kayte was pregnant.
- Kelsey officially announced the pregnancy on August 2010, and in December of that year he also proposed to Kayte. Unfortunately, she later miscarried the child.
- Once his divorce from Camille was finalised, 2 weeks later on 25 February 2011 – he married Kayte in a ceremony at the Plaza Hotel.
- Kayte is his 4th wife, and there is a 25-year age gap between the two.
Children, Baby & Kids :
- Although she unfortunately miscarried her first child, she went on to have 3 more with Kelsey:
- Faith Evangeline Elisa Grammer, born on July 13th 2012 ; Kelsey Gabriel Elias Grammer, born on July 22nd 2014 & Audan James Ellis Grammer, born on November 14th 2016
- Through Kelsey’s previous marriages, Kayte is also an active stepmother to his other children :
- From his first marriage in 1982, daughter Spencer Grammer
- From a brief relationship in 1992, daughter Kandace Greer Grammer
- From his marriage to Camille, daughter Mason Olivia Grammer and son Jude Gordon Grammer
- At such a young age, she is also a step-grandmother to the son of Kelsey’s eldest daughter Spencer.