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Hermann Nicoli Wiki, Age, Bio, Height, Model, Profile, Job, Dating, Größe

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Name Hermann Nicoli (Also known as : Candice Swanepoel Fiance)

Birthday / Age / Date of Birth / DOB / Idade July 8, 1982. As of 2025, he is around 43 years old.

Wedding & Marriage / Wife / Girlfriend / Love Life Engaged to Supermodel Candice Swanepoel.

Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background

Introduction :

Hermann Nicole, a popular male model was born on July 8, 1982, in Brazil. His full birth name is Hermann Nicoli Rosa.

Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :

  • Hermann has two sisters named Gabi and Sabrina. He currently lives in the United States.
  • He has been dating the Victoria’s Secret Model, Candice Swanepoel since 2006. When they started dating, Hermann was just 23 years and his girlfriend was 17 years, long before her rise to fame as a supermodel. They both met in Paris approximately in 2007 when Candice just started her career in fashion. It was love at first sight as per them.
  • Since then, Candice has become one of the best familiar faces representing Victoria Secrets as one of the brand’s much-loved Angels.
  • Candice is a native of South Africa, originally a brunette. In 2011, Forbes named Nicoli’s girlfriend as one of the top-earning models.
  • Nicoli has got engaged to Candice in August 2016. They announced their pregnancy in March 2016. Now they are proud parents to a baby boy named Anaca, which actually is a Brazilian word for a particular kind of bird. Their son was born in October 2016.

Professional Career and Interesting Facts :

  • Hermann is a well-known Brazilian male model, who is pretty popular on social media, especially Instagram. He has over 200,000 followers on Instagram.
  • He has brown hair & his eye color is green.
  • His is height is 6 feet 2 inches & his weight is approximately 80 kg.
  • He is often seen shopping, riding a bike in the city, cavorting in the sea waters and lounging in the sun on sandy beaches along with his fiancé.
  • Nicoli and his fiancé spend much of their free time in Brazil, where her fiancé also holds a house.
  • Candice’s nickname is Moosie and Lucie.
  • Nicoli calls his fiancé “pequenogato” which means “little cat” in Portuguese.
  • Nicoli gifted a diamond ring to his fiancé on their engagement.
  • Despite both the partners being in the fashion industry, travel extensively related to work, they both have sustained a strong bond.
  • Nicoli’s fiancé has also done lot of charity work and even a petite bit of fashion designs. In 2016, she teamed up with a denim line to raise funds for mothers2mothers, a charity association, which helps to prevent pediatric, AIDS.
  • Candice has also stood against the hunting of animals in Africa. She was one of the various celebrities who mourned the ridiculous and brutal killing of Cecil, the Lion recently.
  • Since the birth of their little baby, the loving parents have shared lot of their lovely photos.

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