Personal Information Summary | |
Name | Denise Jackson |
Denise Jackson Maiden Name | Denise Jackson (Her maiden name is also ‘Jackson’) |
Mother / Mom | Nell Jackson |
Birthday / How old is Denise Jackson Age / Date of Birth / DOB | Born in 1960. As of 2025, she is around 65 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Engaged / Boyfriend | Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Children / No. of Kids | 3 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | American |
Which airline did Denise Jackson work for? | As a flight attendant, Denise worked for Piedmont Airlines, which was later acquired by USAir. |
Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
Denise Jackson is an American Author & former flight attendant who lives in Nashville, Tennessee. She is also the wife of country singer Alan Jackson. Devoted and religious, Jackson is not shy to talk about her faith and how it has helped her overcome many challenges in her life.
Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :
- Denise was born in Newnan, Georgia, in 1960 & has a twin brother named Danny.
- She was raised in a religious family, with Church being a huge part of her life.
- Denise has quoted that her parents provided a loving home for her and her siblings. However, they were not keen on shaping their minds and helping them think about big dreams to chase. Thus, the kids were left yearning for direction.
Denise Jackson Alan Jackson Married Life :
- Jackson is married to country singer Alan Jackson, whom she met when she was 16 years old, in 1976.
- After her twin brother was involved in a serious motorcycle accident, Denise and Alan grew closer and were married in December 1979. She was just 19 back then.
- The ceremony was held in Newman, Georgia, at the Newnan Baptist Church in front of their friends and family.
- Denise and Alan have three daughters, Dani Grace Jackson (born in August 1997), Alexandra Jane Jackson (born in August 1993) and Mattie Denise Jackson (born in June 1990).
- As his career flourished, Alan built a massive plantation-style mansion for his family, modeled after Tara from Gone With the Wind. As far as the outside world was concerned, the Jackson family seemed to live the dream. However, in 1998, Alan and Denise briefly split for about four months due to Alan’s struggles with his career and his infidelity. During their separation, Alan wrote one of his most popular songs, “Remember When”. The video features the couple dancing through their cares while the world goes by.
- At the time of their separation, the Jacksons had been married for almost two decades. When talking about their reconciliation in an interview, Denise said, “There’s no one-size-fits-all kind of answer for forgiveness. For each of us, the struggle will be individual, but what I have found in the long run was that forgiveness was the key to real freedom in my life.”
- In 2013, Denise’s daughter Alexandra was arrested for assaulting a police officer & resisting arrest.
Career, Job, Salary and Net Worth :
- After getting married, when Alan & Denise moved to Nashville, Tennessee, she worked as a flight attendant.
- While working, she met Glen Campbell, a.k.a. ‘Rhinestone Cowboy’ and she took the opportunity to tell him all about how talented her hubby Alan was.
- Campbell was intrigued and immediately agreed to take Alan and mentor him. Eventually, Glen was able to snag a contract for Alan with Arista Records, and he kickstarted his country music career.
- Denise eventually left her job as a flight attendant & began supporting her husband’s flourishing music career as well as spending time at home raising their children.
- In addition to working as a flight attendant, Denise is an author and has written a book talking about her journey with Alan, including their financial struggles and marital problems.
Interesting Facts, Height and Trivia :
- When the couple was struggling to make ends meet, Alan sold his 1955 Thunderbird convertible, which he loved a lot, so they could afford to buy a house.
- Many years on, Denise found and repurchased the car for him as a Christmas gift.
- In 2010, Denise was diagnosed with Colon Cancer, but after receiving some aggressive treatment and taking some much needed time off to recover and heal her body, she was ruled cancer free!
Denise is a beautiful, dedicated wife, mother, daughter, and woman of faith. I also find her very humble, which is very appealing to God. He seeks out the humble ones. I applaud her dedication!
Praying that Denise Jackson is still living…
Denise is a role model for all of us…old and young. She is an adorable person and gorgeous inside and out and does not seem to have the spotlight on herself. She loves her husband deeply it appears and if you have read her books, puts him on a pedestal, not herself.
I love country music and went country dancing 4 or 5 nights a week dancing with Alan’s music. I am 80 now and those days are in my thoughts now, I would give anything to come visit you Alan, I would drive there if I was invited. I am a retired military man of 20 yrs. I am also a Born Again Christian. Love to hear from you. I know God had a hand in it to cure Denise’s cancer for sure Thank God for His mercy.
What is the name of her book? I would love to read it.
No, Mattie’s husband passed away not Denise’s
I thought Denise Jackson passed away in 2017
Hopefully, incorrect info
It was Mama Ruth Jackson, Alan Jackson’s mother, that passed away in 2017.
Alan Jackson’s mother passed in january 2017