Personal Details Summary | |
Name | Dr Sarah Jarvis |
Birthday / How old / Age / Date of Birth / DOB | Born in 1962. As of 2025, she is around 63 years old. |
Wedding & Marriage / Husband / Spouse / Partner / Boyfriend | Married. Check the full bio for relationship details. |
Children / No. of Kids | 2 |
Ethnicity / Origin / Heritage / Race | White |
Nationality | British |
Does Dr Sarah Jarvis work as a GP? | She is a GP and Clinical Director of, a patient information website. For patients all over the world, NHS doctors provide free health information. |
Wikipedia Biography / Profile Background
Introduction :
Dr Sarah Jarvis is an English General Practitioner, originally from London. Famous for promoting good health in the UK media, she has appeared on numerous TV shows in a professional capacity.
Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :
- Sarah Caroline Jarvis was born in the London borough of Shepard’s Bush on 3rd December 1962.
- She was raised in a regular middle-class household by her parents but was always keen to learn from an early age.
- Now living in London with her husband, Simon, Dr Jarvis loves to spend time with her grown-up children Seth and Matilda. She also confesses that although her media fame came as a complete accident, she is very proud of her work.
- Dr Jarvis was awarded the MBE (Member of the British Empire), an award given to successful and prominent Britons, by the Queen in 2018 as recognition of her service to Health Promotion in the media.
Early Life and Education :
- Ever since she was a child, Sarah just didn’t want to become a doctor…she specifically wanted to be a general practitioner (GP). When she was 8, a GP came to Sarah’s house and gave her father an injection. The kind doctor allowed little Sarah to probe around in his bag & later gave her a needle and syringe, with which she practised injecting her teddy bear. Ever since then, she knew that she wanted to be a GP!
- Sarah attended the Millfield High School. Later, with a desire to become a General Practitioner in the National Health Service (NHS), she studied for her degree in Medicine at the world-famous Oxford University, qualifying as a Doctor in 1986.
Medicine Career, Net worth and Salary :
- Dr Jarvis currently works as a General Practitioner and is a partner of the Richard Gate Medical Practice in West London. Surprisingly, this was the very first practice she started work at after receiving her medical degree.
- She now balances this job with also being a GP Trainer & sitting on several important medical boards.
- Perhaps less well-known to the public, Sarah has also written or co-written several factual books including, ‘Diabetes for Dummies’, ‘Women’s Health for Life’ and a book on ethical, end of life dilemma’s she wrote with British broadcaster John Humphries titled ‘The Welcome Visitor: Living well, Dying Well’.
- Well known for her media work, Sarah has made appearances on ‘Day Break’, ‘Trust me I’m a Doctor’ and ‘This Morning’.
- She was also a regular contributor to BBC One’s early evening topical affairs show ‘The One Show’ and ‘The Jeremy Vine Show’ on BBC Radio Two.
Interesting Facts and Trivia :
- Sarah loves nothing more than having a meal with her family. In interviews, she has described her favourite meal as her daughter’s Paella with a side of family favourites home marinated olives and garlic tomatoes, with her son’s sticky toffee pudding for dessert.
- Jarvis is also a self-confessed Sudoku fiend and to avoid feeling grumpy, needs to complete at least one puzzle per day.
- According to her comments from March 2021, the display of the Union Jack by minister Robert Jenrick in the background of an interview video was inappropriate, saying, “Nobody uses the European flag to signal racism.”
Advice during COVID-19 Crisis :
- While visiting her father who is in his 90’s, Dr Jarvis made sure that the family obsessively washed their hands.
- She used paper towels to open doors & often cleaned her phone.
- For her local church, Sarah suggested the use of individual cups for communion wine.
Body Figure / Physical Info
Dr Sarah Jarvis Measurements :
- Eye Colour : Blue
- Haircut / Hair Colour : Redhead / Ginger
- How tall is Dr Sarah Jarvis Height : 5′6″
- Feet / Legs / Boots / Shoe Size : No confirmed information is available.
- Pregnant? : Currently, she is not expecting a baby.
- Weight Loss : A few Google queries regarding this, but we couldn’t find anything conclusive on any of her social media.
Dr. Sarah,
You are fantastic, always so calm when you deliver your advice.
I really like to listen to you.
John Hadley.
Good to listen to Dr Jarvis she speaks a lot of sense love her on the Jeremy Vine show
Thank you, Sarah, for your measured approach to this national emergency! What a daily comfort you are to your patients and all of us.
Thank you Dr. Sarah for all your good advice on the Jeremy Vine show during the last months. You are always so calm and measured when you explain medical matters in these worrying times.
I and my husband are in our 70s and he has underlying health conditions, so can’t wait for the vaccine when we can get our lives back, going out for meals and to the theatre, etc, and you explained it all so clearly this morning. Best wishes.
Love when You are on Jeremy vine’s TV show. You’re very interesting.
Hi Sarah good to read someone else is addicted to Sudoku. Have you tried killer Sudoku if you are like me you’ll never go back to ordinary Sudoku afterwards.